
Milk has had a bad fame in recent years. A rise in veganism and concerns around intolerance to the creamy white drink have seen an increase in popularity of milk alternatives, and multiple myths still surround the drink, including beliefs that it worsens the symptoms of a cold.
But when it comes to kids, cow's milk is a must-have—and always in its fattiest form, experts say. Milk is a good source of calcium, vitamins A and B12, and fat—and it's the fat that helps children meet their energy requirements, says Lucy Upton, a specialist at the Association of UK Dieticians. "Fat is very important in children," says Upton. "They have very high energy requirements." The three key energy sources for kids are dairy, protein and carbohydrate, and kids need more energy than adults. "The average two-year-old needs 80 calories per kilogram of weight," she says, adding adults need less than half that amount.
A recent study also found that kids who drank full-fat milk were less likely to be obese than those who drank the low-fat kind. So why keep them from the good stuff when they need much energy to consume? You may not have heard of toddler milk, but today it's a widely available product targeting children aged 12 months to three years, marketed as a follow-up drink to baby formula.
Health and nutrition experts have long advised against toddler milks because of their added sugar and salt and lower protein than ordinary cow's milk. But a study published on Tuesday found that between 2006 and 2015, toddler milk sales increased by 2.6 times, from 47 to 121 million ounces, aided in large part by increased advertising. "It's important that we understand the health effects of what we do with our children," Maguire said. "Parents are making these decisions and they need evidence.”


1.Why do people choose milk alternatives?

A They don’t like the vegetables.

B They hate the terrible myths.

C They think milk is unhealthy.

D They catch a cold now and then.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段A rise in veganism ...it worsens the symptoms of a cold可以得知是素食主义的兴起和有人认为牛奶会加重感冒症状等误解让人们认为牛奶不够健康,因此他们选择牛奶的替代品,故选C。

2.Why should kids drink milk in its fattiest form?

A They need more energy.

B Milk doesn’t have the calcium.

C They don’t need carbohydrates.

D They like the flavor of the milk.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段and it's the fat that helps children meet their energy requirements可以得知牛奶中的脂肪能满足孩子们的能量需求,故选A。

3.Who advised people to give up the full-fat milk?

A Those drinking the low-fat milk.

B The toddlers playing all the time.

C The kids keeping the good stuff.

D The producers of the baby formula.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句 but today it's a widely available product targeting children aged 12 months to three years, marketed as a follow-up drink to baby formula可以得知婴儿配方奶粉销量增长,据此可以推知是生产者们想让人们不喝全脂牛奶,故选D。

4.What do the nutrition experts think of toddler milk?

A It’s helpful.

B It should be forbidden.

C It’s healthy.

D It’s expensive.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句experts have long advised against toddler milks because of their added sugar and salt and lower protein可以得知专家们是反对配方奶粉的,故选B。