熊孩子恶作剧报假警 写道歉信求原谅
熊孩子恶作剧报假警 写道歉信求原谅

Dear Beltrami 911 dispatchers,

I was the one prank calling you. I really truly apologize and I learned that that is not okay and it’s not a joke. My mom told me that people have died because of this. I feel really bad and I wanted to make up so I wrote this letter. I also feel really bad about my grandma and grandpa because it was their house and I was afraid they would get charged. I’m really sorry. This won’t happen again. I hope you have a good new year. Please forgive me.

PS  I love your service. Thank you.

The Beltrami police sent back a letter and accepted the child’s apology letter, and made sure to let him know that they are still his friend.


1.The child once called 911 to _____.

A ask for help

B make a joke

C order KFC food

D look for his grandparents

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句I really truly apologize and I learned that that is not okay and it’s not a joke.可知,该孩子真心道歉,觉得自己的行为不妥,应该是开了一个玩笑,故选B。

2.Why did the child write the letter?

A Because his mother told him to do it.

B Because the police asked him to do it.

C Because he felt sorry for what he did.

D Because he wanted to reply to the police.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句I feel really bad and I wanted to make up so I wrote this letter.可知,该孩子感到很抱歉,想弥补过错,所以写了这封信,故选C。

3.Where did the child make the call?

A At home.

B On the street.

C At school.

D At his grandparents’ home.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段第五句I also feel really bad about my grandma and grandpa because it was their house and I was afraid they would get charged.可知,该孩子是在他祖父母家打的电话,他非常害怕祖父母被起诉,故选D。

4.What do we learn from the passage?

A The police put the letter on the Internet.

B The police made friends with the child.

C The child learned a lesson from this matter.

D The child’s mother took him to the police station.
