国外大学老师故意出错题并网上公布“答案” 抓作弊学生,一抓一个准
国外大学老师故意出错题并网上公布“答案” 抓作弊学生,一抓一个准

A teacher who became fed up with students using their mobile phones to find answers and cheat on university exams came up with a devious way to catch them out. Students who assumed their teacher wouldn't be familiar with the latest cheating methods were caught red handed. 

A pupil in the engineering class explained that when they all sat down to take their final exam, about half the class left the room to use the bathroom during the test. The student said they assumed the vast majority were looking up answers on their phone, which “irritated me” but they stayed focused and made their way through the paper.

After leaving the exam hall, the pupil remembered there was one particular question that wasn't related to what they had all been taught in class, which had two parts. Part A was fairly easy but they had no idea how to do part B, so they simply left it blank as it only accounted for 5 marks out of 100. When all the exams had been marked, their teacher sent all the university students an email to explain his plan to catch out those who had given themselves some outside help. Many of the pupils use a website called Chegg, which provides answers to exam and homework questions.

The student wrote on Reddit: "He purposely made part B impossible to solve, and about a month before the final he got a teaching assistant with a Chegg account to ask the exact question, which was distinctly worded to be unique. He then created his own Chegg account and answered the question with a solution that seems right at first glance but is actually flawed and very unlikely that someone would make the same assumptions and mistakes independently."

From the 99 exams handed in, 14 of them fell for the trick and gave the exact answer their own teacher had posted online. All were given an overall score of zero and reported to the university.


1.Why was the teacher often troubled by the students?

A They didn’t do well in their studies.

B They tended to cheat on exams.

C They were addicted to mobile phones.

D They wouldn’t like to listen to him in class.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段A teacher who became fed up with students using their mobile phones to find answers and cheat on university exams came up with a devious way to catch them out.可知,一位老师受够了学生们利用手机来找答案作弊,故选B。

2.What happened during the exam?

A Some students took out their mobile phones.

B Part of students fell asleep at the beginning.

C Many students went to the bathroom one after another.

D The teacher seemed to look up something on the phone.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段A pupil in the engineering class explained that when they all sat down to take their final exam, about half the class left the room to use the bathroom during the test.可知,当他们都坐下来参加期末考试时,大约有一半的学生离开教室去了洗手间,故选C。

3.What did NOT the teacher do on Chegg?

A He let an assistant to ask the question.

B He created his own Chegg account.

C He answered the question with a solution.

D He caught the dishonest students on the spot.


4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Justice has long arms.

B Every dog has its lucky day.

C Cleverness may overreach itself.

D No one can stand without honesty.
