“美女吃蝙蝠”视频热传 当事人为曾经的无知道歉
“美女吃蝙蝠”视频热传 当事人为曾经的无知道歉

A Chinese blogger is apologizing for a video of her eating “bat soup” after she has received concerns and condemn related to the current coronavirus outbreak. The video, originally filmed in 2016 shows travel blogger Wang Mengyun chowing down the flying mammal at a restaurant in Palau, an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean.
The video from Wang's travel series “Dream Runner” resurfaced online following the recent coronavirus outbreak, which is believed to have originated from bats or snakes. Wang is seen holding the cooked bat with her hands as she and another woman dig into its wing. “The soup we just had was very delicious and had a fruity flavor,” she said. The Internet slammed the video, blaming Wang, and bat-eaters like her, for their mistakes in spreading the feared and potentially deadly coronavirus. The video was one of a few similar videos of diners consuming the exotic animal.
After days of online ridicule, Wang reportedly took to the Chinese blogging site Weibo to respond to the controversy. “I had no idea during filming that there was such a virus,” she wrote last week, according to the South China Morning Post. “I realized it only recently.” Wang added that she was simply trying to document some of the local dishes on the island. “When I filmed the video, I honestly did not know there would be a virus. My ignorance is to blame,” she said.
The coronavirus began at an animal and seafood market in the city of Wuhan and has since spread to several other countries, including the United States. The illness is now said to be spread between humans. As news of the virus spread and the number of death began to rise quickly, many have begun to question how dangerous the new outbreak is. Coronaviruses, which get their name from their crown-like appearance, come in many types that cause illnesses in people and animals.


1.The underlined part “the flying mammal” in the first paragraph may refer to _____.

A the video

B the bat

C the island

D the soup

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第一句A Chinese blogger is apologizing for a video of her eating “bat soup”可以得知该“飞行哺乳动物”就是指蝙蝠bat,故选B。

2.Why did the video resurface again?

A People wanted to become the dream runner.

B A terrible disease made people think of that.

C The cooked bat had a really delicious flavor.

D Wang was seen cooking the bat with her hands.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句the recent coronavirus outbreak, which is believed to have originated from bats or snakes可以得知是冠状病毒的爆发让人们想起了她们的视频,故选B。

3.What did Wang want to express in her Blog?

A Her pride.

B Her concern.

C Her satisfaction.

D Her apology.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句My ignorance is to blame可以得知她是通过微博来表达自己的歉意,故选D。

4.How did the coronavirus get its name?

A By its origin.

B By its nutrition.

C By its shape.

D By its health.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句Coronaviruses, which get their name from their crown-like appearance可以得知该病毒是因为其形状而得名,故选C。