
President Xi Jinping presented China’s top science award to Huang Xuhua and Zeng Qingcun on Friday for their outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, granted award medals and certificates to them at an annual ceremony held in Beijing to honor distinguished scientists, engineers and research achievements. Xi shook hands with them and expressed congratulations. Other leaders, including Li Keqiang, Wang Huning and Han Zheng, were also present.
Huang Xuhua, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the chief designer of the country’s first-generation nuclear submarines. Born in Guangdong Province in 1926, Huang later joined a research institute of the former China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and has been engaged in the research and development of nuclear submarines for about 30 years. He won the Medal of the Republic in 2019 for his outstanding contributions to the nation.
Zeng Qingcun, 85, is a famous meteorologist from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His theory of numerical weather prediction solved the problems of timeliness and stability in calculating multi-scale weather change processes and is the basis of the global numerical weather prediction technology. Zeng’s visionary study on global climate change has brought him a host of accolades and international acclaim, including the world’s top prize for meteorological work.
Friday’s ceremony also honored 296 projects, with 46 winning the State Natural Science Award, 65 the State Technological Invention Award, and 185 the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. Ten foreign experts won the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.


1.What is the best title of the passage?

A China’s top science award to Huang Xuhua and Zeng Qingcun.

B Outstanding contributions must be awarded sooner or later.

C The Central Military Commission held an important meeting.

D Xi shook hands with researchers and expressed congratulations.


2.What is Huang Xuhua’s contribution?

A He founded China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

B He designed China’s first-generation nuclear submarines.

C He worked with Li Keqiang, Wang Huning and Han Zheng.

D He won the Medal of the Republic in 2019 for his research.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Huang Xuhua, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the chief designer of the country’s first-generation nuclear submarines可以得知他参与设计了中国的第一代航母,这是他的巨大贡献,故选B。

3.What was Zeng Qingcun awarded?

A The world’s top prize.

B The weather prediction.

C The Atmospheric Physics.

D The Academy of Sciences.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句including the world’s top prize for meteorological work可以得知他获得了世界级的荣誉,故选A。

4.What did the foreign experts win?

A The State Natural Science Award.

B The State Technological Invention Award

C The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.

D The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段Ten foreign experts won the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award可以得知有10位外国专家获国际科学技术合作奖,故选D。