神奇快递小哥把包裹扔两米高树上 买家够都够不着
神奇快递小哥把包裹扔两米高树上 买家够都够不着

Adam Kupiec, 34, said he was at home in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on New Year’s Eve when he got a confirmation email from Amazon saying his package was handed to him. Thinking it was some kind of mistake, he went looking for it, searching the corridor by the entrance to his flat block and the garden outside. But it was nowhere to be found. He says he discovered where it had been hidden when he returned home later that day. The package was on the top of the bush. He was surprised because it’s so high. It’s at least two and half metres. He couldn’t even reach the package.
Adam said he had to shake the bush to get the package down. He said the package did not suffer any major damage but it did get wet in the rain. Adam said he decided to confront the Amazon driver later that day. The funny thing was that a couple hours later another package was supposed to be delivered. Adam wanted to make sure the package was delivered to him so he was waiting for the driver in the garden.
He claims the delivery driver was on his way to put the second package in the same spot in the bush. Adam said the driver spotted him from the other side of the bush. He said, “I asked if he left the package this morning on the top of the bush, and he didn’t say anything.” Adam said he can’t understand why the driver decided to put it there.
The experience has made him question whether he should continue paying for Amazon Prime. An Amazon spokesperson said, “We have very high standards for our delivery service providers and expect every package to be handled with care. We’ve notified the right teams internally and will work with the customer directly to ensure the matter is resolved to their satisfaction.”

   本时文由奇速英语国际教育研究院提供,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途, 版权所有,侵权必究!(作者投稿及时文阅读定制请联系微信:18980471698)

1.What did the email inform Adam?

A His package was received.

B His package was on the way of delivery.

C The delivery driver would come late that day.

D He should continue paying for Amazon Prime.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Adam Kupiec, 34, said he was at home in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on New Year’s Eve when he got a confirmation email from Amazon saying his package was handed to him.可知,Adam除夕在白金汉郡艾尔斯伯里的家收到亚马逊的确认邮件,说他的包裹“被签收了”,故选A。

2.The package is NOT supposed to be put _______.

A in the garden

B in the corridor

C in the delivery car

D on the top of the bush

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Thinking it was some kind of mistake, he went looking for it, searching the corridor by the entrance to his flat block and the garden outside.以及第五、六句The package was on top of the bush. He was surprised because it’s so high.可知,Adam认为是某种错误,于是他把可能存放包裹的地方,如公寓楼入口的走廊和外面的花园都搜了一遍,让他始料未及的是包裹竟然在灌木丛上,故选D。

3.Why did the delivery driver do something like that?

A He wanted to quit the job.

B It was some kind of mistake.

C There was no specific reason.

D It was a busy time of the year.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句Adam said he can’t understand why the driver decided to put it there.可知,亚当说他不明白为什么司机决定把包裹放在那里,故选C。

4.What can we learn from Amazon’s response?

A They made an apology for their mistake.

B They blamed it on the delivery company.

C They gave him a necessary compensation.

D They would coordinate the matter soon after.
