美国甜菜收割遭遇暴风雪 受灾农民请求政府补贴
美国甜菜收割遭遇暴风雪 受灾农民请求政府补贴

After a historically bad season for harvesting sugar beet, Mark Gordon has sent a letter to the U.S. government requesting disaster designation for Park County and four other counties impacted by early season snowstorms. On Dec. 5 Gordon wrote a letter to Sonny Perdue, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. “The fall of 2019 was unique in the scale, severity and timing of freezing and snow events that made successful harvest and storage impossible,” Gordon wrote. “Producers did everything they could to maximize their harvest but the damage from these storms has been severe.”
The damage was mostly dealt in snowstorms that occurred on Oct. 8-9 and Oct. 13-14. Then, warm weather in between the storms made the situation worse, causing beets to rot while in storage and reducing sugar content to beets still in the ground. So, while not all beets were lost, many of the harvested crop brought in less than profitable returns.
Big Horn, Laramie and Goshen counties were also recommended for disaster recognition. No decision has yet been issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. The disaster designation allows farmers to become eligible for financial disbursement from the USDA’s  Program Plus, a safety net for farmers who suffered unforeseeable losses to crops. Producers who suffer crop losses due to 2019 disasters receive an initial 50 percent of their total allotment once the application is approved and will receive up to the remaining 50 percent after February 1, 2020.
Recently, Western Sugar Cooperative stopped its beet harvest, an act not usually performed until February or March. Western Sugar Board Vice Chairman Ric Rodriguez said 31 percent of Park County and Big Horn County beets went unharvested, which they would try to complete soon. The National Agricultural Service said that Wyoming’s sugar beet harvest was 70 percent complete, with producers harvesting 30,600 acres.


1.Why did Mark Gordon write a letter to the U.S. government?

A He wanted to get help from the government.

B He did everything to share their harvests.

C He made successful harvests in sugar beet.

D He had difficulty in storing the sugar beet.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句requesting disaster designation for Park County and four other counties impacted by early season snowstorms可以得知他想申请灾后补贴,得到政府的帮助,故选A。

2.What happened to the beets in the ground?

A They rotted in the snowstorms.

B They had much poorer quality.

C They brought in more profit.

D They were damaged in snow.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句reducing sugar content to beets still in the ground可以得知在地里面的甜菜的含糖量降低,因此其质量下降了,故选B。

3.Who could receive the disaster designation?

A People living in Laramie and Goshen counties.

B Farmers suffering from the losses in the crops.

C Producers becoming eligible for living in US.

D Officials working in the USDA’s Program Plus.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段for farmers who suffered unforeseeable losses to crops可以得知只有受灾的农民才能申请灾难补助,故选B。

4.What should Western Sugar Cooperative do in the future?

A They should get more allotments.

B They should fight with snowstorms.

C They should begin to harvest beet again.

D They should prepare an initial application.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段which they would try to complete soon可以得知该公司会尽力完成甜菜收割,故选C。