澳大利亚山火肆虐 动物园管理员拯救野生动物把它们带回家
澳大利亚山火肆虐 动物园管理员拯救野生动物把它们带回家

An Australian zoo was able to save all of its animals facing threat of bushfires thanks to a zookeeper who sheltered monkeys, pandas, and even a tiger in his home. The Mogo Wildlife Park is located in the South Coast and is just 10 minutes from Bateman's Bay, a popular tourist area that has been severely impacted by bushfires. The fires have make thousands of people leave their homes and at least seven people die. 
The zoo houses nearly 200 animals, including Sumatran tigers and southern white rhinos. Chad Staples, director of the zoo, told the Broadcasting Company that zookeepers were well-prepared to protect the animals as bushfires broke out in the region over New Year's Eve. "Due to the amazing staff here and a plan, no one is hurt, not a single animal," he told the ABC on Tuesday. "Any species of animal that was small enough, or was in an area we couldn't protect, we caught up," he told the ABC. 
Sara Ang from the wildlife park told BBC Radio 5 that some of the smaller monkeys and red pandas were moved into Staples' home. Staples told the ABC that zookeepers felt it was safer to keep larger and more dangerous animals including lions and gorillas in their night enclosures where they would feel more comfortable as bushfires burned around them. 
Staples told The Times that the team on-site battled spot fires at the 65-acre park for several hours. He thanked his staff for working tirelessly to protect the animals because they "love them like their own family". The zoo confirmed on Tuesday that every animal was "safe and in wonderful care."


1.Why did the zoo save the animals?

A They might be killed by someone.

B They maight be sold abroad.

C They maight be drown in a flood.

D They maight be burnt to death by bushfires.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句An Australian zoo was able to save all of its animals facing threat of bushfires thanks to a zookeeper who sheltered monkeys, pandas, and even a tiger in his home.可知动物们受到森林大火的威胁,故选D。

2. What did the staff in the zoo do after the fire broke out?

A They caught all the animals.

B They put out all the bushfires.

C They got ready for helping.

D They left their homes fast.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句zookeepers were well-prepared to protect the animals as bushfires broke out第三句Due to the amazing staff here and a plan可以得知动物园的员工做出了很好的准备来帮助那些动物,故选C。

3.Where were the small animals kept?

A In the wildlife park.

B In Staples’ home.

C In the night enclosures.

D In the laboratory.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句some of the smaller monkeys and red pandas were moved into Staples' home可以得知那些小动物放在了Staples的家里饲养,故选B。

4.What is Staples’ attitudes to the staff?

A Thankful.

B Hateful.

C Admirable.

D Confident.

解析:选A。观点态度题。根据第四段最后一句He thanked his staff for working tirelessly to protect the animals可以得知他对员工的付出充满感激,故选A。