24岁女博士赢得2020“美国小姐” 选美现场表演做实验
24岁女博士赢得2020“美国小姐” 选美现场表演做实验

A Virginian biochemist Ms Schrier has been named winner of Miss America 2020 after performing a live science experiment that challenged stereotypes of the contest. Camille Schrier defeated 50 women to take the crown at Thursday's final in Uncasville, Connecticut. Wearing a lab coat, the 24-year-old impressed judges with a chemistry demonstration in the talent show. Ms Schrier won a $50,000 scholarship and a one-year role as Miss America. In her acceptance speech, Ms Schrier said she hoped to break stereotypes about what it means to be a Miss America in 2020. 
Ms Schrier has two science degrees and is studying a doctorate in pharmacy at Virginia Commonwealth University. She said that Miss America is someone who needs to educate. In her role as Miss America, Ms Schrier will spend a year advocating for Mind Your Meds, a drug safety and prevention programme.
Ms Schrier's victory is expected to be viewed as another progressive step away from Miss America's traditional beauty contest format. Since 2018 the competition has attempted to rebrand its image, giving up the original judging criteria. Instead, candidates show their talents and are interviewed about their passion, intelligence and understanding of the Miss America role. "We will no longer judge our candidates on their outwards, physical appearance. That's huge," said former Miss America winner Gretchen Carlson, who announced the reforms in 2018. Organizers say the changes have encouraged more young women to participate.
Earlier this year Ms Schrier, called a quirky scientist by herself, told she wanted to break people's stereotypes of those competing for the Miss America title. She said her science experiment was a big factor in her winning Miss Virginia in June this year. While acknowledging there was still controversy over these types of competitions, Ms Schrier said Miss America has rebranded and was being more progressive by focusing more on women's achievements than appearances.

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1.How did Ms Schrier break the traditional beauty contest format?

A By a live make-up for herself.

B By showing her scientific talents.

C By interviewing judges with some questions.

D By teaching candidates a live science experiment.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句A Virginian biochemist Ms Schrier has been named winner of Miss America 2020 after performing a live science experiment that challenged stereotypes of the contest. 可知,2020年“美国小姐”桂冠花落弗吉尼亚的一名生化学家Ms Schrier,她向传统比赛模式发起挑战,在舞台上展示了一项科学实验,展示了她的科学天赋,故选B。

2.What didn’t Ms Schrier gain after winning the contest?

A The judges’ appreciation.

B A large sum of money.

C The title Miss America.

D The achievements of Mind Your Meds.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Wearing a lab coat, the 24-year-old impressed judges with a chemistry demonstration in the talent show.以及Ms Schrier won a $50,000 scholarship and a one-year role as Miss America.和第二段In her role as Miss America, Ms Schrier will spend a year advocating for Mind Your Meds, a drug safety and prevention programme.可知,Ms Schrier 化学演示实验给评委们留下深刻的印象,获得了赞赏;此外,她还赢得了5万美元的奖学金,和美国小姐头衔;施里尔将用一年的时间来宣传“关注药物”活动,并未提及 “关注药物”项目成就,故选D。

3.The stereotype of the beauty contest refers to _________.

A the meaning to be a Miss America

B focusing on the candidates’ achievements

C judging from the candidates’ appearance

D the way to win the title Miss America

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句Since 2018 the competition has attempted to rebrand its image, giving up the original judging criteria.以及第四句We will no longer judge our candidates on their outwards, physical appearance.可知,自2018年以来,比赛试图重新塑造形象,放弃原来的评判标准,过去选美比赛总是以貌取人,这就是所谓的陈规旧习,故选C。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Miss America has involved in a lot of public service.

B Ms Schrier’s success only attributes to her science experiment.

C The beauty contest may be treated in a new way some day.

D The reforms of the beauty contest has been carried out since 2019.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Ms Schrier said Miss America has rebranded and was being more progressive by focusing more on women's achievements than appearances.可知,选美比赛将来有一天可能会以一种新的方式被对待,故选C。