“长征五号”火箭成功发射 为更雄心勃勃的太空计划铺平道路
“长征五号”火箭成功发射 为更雄心勃勃的太空计划铺平道路

China announced the successful launch of the Long March 5 rocket on Friday, sending a communication satellite into Earth's high orbit, according to Chinese state media CCTV. The successful launch of the rocket on its third attempt could pave the way for more ambitious space projects such as missions to the Moon and Mars, along with a manned space station.
China developed the powerful rocket, which is designed to carry 25 tons of payload into low orbit, with the aim of launching a Mars probe in 2020. But the Long March 5 project, originally announced in 2001, suffered lengthy delays due to funding challenges and difficulties in developing new technologies for the first Chinese launcher to fully use liquid propellant.
A second test of the rocket failed in 2017, threatening to delay the country's push to become a leading space power. Earlier this year, China completed its first public test of a Mars lander, keeping the country on track for an unmanned exploration mission to the red planet next year.
The country was late to the space race—it didn't send its first satellite into space until 1970, just after the United States put the first man on the moon. But in the decades since, China has spent billions of dollars and other resources into research and training. In addition to the Mars mission, China has been actively pursuing lunar exploration.
The Chang'e-4 lunar probe successfully touched down on the far side of the moon in January, a historic first and major achievement for China's space program. In 2020, the next lunar mission is due to land on the moon, collect samples and return to Earth, while preliminary plans are underway for a manned lunar mission in the 2030s. If successful, China would become only the second country, after the United States, to put a citizen on the moon.


1.What will the Long March 5 rocket be used for?

A The missions to the Sun.

B The manned space station.

C The research in state media.

D The communication between stars.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句The successful launch of the rocket on its third attempt could pave the way for more ambitious space projects such as missions to the Moon and Mars, along with a manned space station.可以得知长征五号将会被用于载人太空站,故选B。

2.“The red planet” in the third paragraph may refer to _______.

A the Earth

B the Sun

C the Moon

D Mars

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据文章第三段第二句Earlier this year, China completed its first public test of a Mars lander可以得知中国完成测试了火星着陆器,因此这红色的星球就是指火星,故选D。

3.How did China make progress in space race?

A It sent first satellite into space in 1970.

B It carried out the research and training.

C It experienced the rocket failure in 2017.

D It would continue with lunar exploration.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句billions of dollars and other resources into research and training可以得知是研发和培训才让中国的航天事业得到了很大发展,故选B。

4.What is the aim of 2020 for China space research?

A To touch the far side of the moon.

B To build up the manned space station.

C To enjoy the major achievement in space.

D To collect samples from the moon.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句is due to land on the moon, collect samples and return to Earth可以得知在2020年中国航天目标是到达月球取到一些样本,故选D。