芬兰诞生全球最年轻女总理 年仅34岁!
芬兰诞生全球最年轻女总理 年仅34岁!

When leaders from the European Council gathered for a group photo in Brussels last week, it was hard to miss the class newbie. Standing front and center among the neat rows of middle-aged men was Finland's new prime minister—34-year-old Sanna Marin. The former transport minister gained worldwide fame earlier this month after she became the country's youngest serving prime minister. It's a remarkable line-up, given the country's leaders have traditionally been older men. Marin's youth and gender "make her stand out from her predecessors, for the most part have been males in their 50s.
Finland was the first country in the world to elect women to parliament, a little over a century ago. People have been saying it's the best thing to happen to the international reputation of Finland. There is a sense of pride—at least among her supporters and people who support her party.
Marin's modest background doesn't read like your average world leader's either. Her parents divorced when she was a small child "because of my father's alcohol problem," Marin wrote in a 2016 blog. She grew up with her mother in north of Helsinki. They lived in a rented apartment.  Despite not having much money, Marin wrote that they had an "abundance" of love.
At 15, Marin's first summer job was at a bakery, and at high school she distributed magazines to earn extra cash. After graduating, she worked as a cashier—a role Estonia's interior minister this week mocked, calling her a "sales girl" and questioning her ability to run the country. Marin used the comments to her political advantage, saying, "I'm extremely proud of Finland. Here a poor family's child can educate herself and achieve her goal in life. A cashier can become even a Prime Minister."


1.What made Sanna Marin stand out in the European Council?

A Her age and gender.

B Her fame and wealth.

C Her job and education.

D Her address and family.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句Marin's youth and gender "make her stand out from her predecessors可以得知是因为其年龄和性别让她在欧洲议会中很突出,故选A。

2.How do Marin's supporters feel when they think of the new prime minister?

A Sorry.

B Upset.

C Ashamed.

D Proud.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第三句There is a sense of pride—at least among her supporters and people who support her party.可以得知她的支持者对她的当选是感到骄傲自豪的,故选D。

3.Why did Marin's mother leave her father?

A She wanted to be in parliament.

B She was fond of a world leader.

C She disliked his much drinking.

D She hated the middle-aged man.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句Her parents divorced when she was a small child "because of my father's alcohol problem可以得知是因为她父亲的酗酒的问题才导致她母亲的离开,故选C。

4.What did Marin do when she was at high school?

A A bakery owner.

B A teacher.

C A distributor.

D A cashier.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句at high school she distributed magazines to earn extra cash可以得知在高中的时候她是杂志分发员,故选C。