英国垃圾场工人在废弃保险柜发现18万捆钞 全数捐给慈善机构
英国垃圾场工人在废弃保险柜发现18万捆钞 全数捐给慈善机构

Workers discovered bundles of old notes as they were snipping up security boxes from offices and former factories for recycling. Kevin Harrington, yard manager at Sackers in Great Blakenham, Suffolk, said they were on their third of eight when they found it.

Bosses handed it in to police who believed the money might be proceeds of crime. They could not find the owners. The money — some water-damaged after rain got into the safe was kept in a police store for more than six months. Sackers then went to court to seek possession as legal finder and the Justice of the Peace ruled they should have it after hearing it was destined for charity.

Boss David Dodds has asked the Bank of England to change the notes into legal tender. It will be split between St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices. Helen Crapnell, Sackers’ marketing boss, said, “We wanted to give the money to somewhere local. They’re great causes to give to, especially so close to Christmas.”


1.Lots of old notes were found _____.

A at Kevin’s home

B in the police office

C in the street

D in security boxes

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Workers discovered bundles of old notes as they were snipping up security boxes from offices and former factories for recycling.可知,工人们是在保险柜内发现了一捆一捆的旧钞票,故选D。

2.What did the police think of the money?

A It belonged to the finder.

B It should be returned to the owner.

C It must be kept in the police station.

D It might have something to do with a crime.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段Bosses handed it in to police who believed the money might be proceeds of crime.可知,警察认为这些钱可能是犯罪所得,故选D。

3.The underlined word “possession” means _____ in Chinese.

A 拒绝

B 继承

C 拥有

D 转让

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据第二段Sackers then went to court to seek possession as legal finder and the Justice of the Peace ruled they should have it after hearing it was destined for charity.可知,治安法官裁定赛格公司拥有这笔钱,由此推测赛格公司是向法院申请“拥有”这笔钱,故选C。

4.What is the result of the case?

A Sackers became the legal finder.

B The money was donated to local charities.

C The local court decided to keep the money.

D The police would continue solving the case.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段after hearing it was destined for charity.以及第三段可知,这笔钱将被拆分捐给圣伊丽莎白临终关怀中心和儿童临终关怀中心,这两家是当地的慈善机构,故选B。