嫌邻居小孩吵闹 俄罗斯男子连续两年深夜播放马叫声报复
嫌邻居小孩吵闹 俄罗斯男子连续两年深夜播放马叫声报复

A whole residential building was turned into a living hell by one vengeful resident Yury Kondratyev, who played horse neighing through a loudspeaker almost every night. The man thought he’d get away with it, but he was wrong. The 46-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod on the Volga River was arrested earlier this week and charged with the “tormenting of two or more people.” The action may carry a prison term from three to seven years.  

Yury Kondratyev tortured his neighbors with non-stop horse neighing. He bought a massive loudspeaker specially and directed it at the ceiling to make sure he would be heard on every floor of the building. It went on like this almost on a nightly basis since April 2018. The local media said the sound attack was Kondratyev’s retaliation for the noise made by the kids in a flat above him.

The man even hung a piece of paper in the house, in which he wanted to keep doing what he was doing. “I don’t care if the adults are sleepy when they go to work; I don’t care if your kids suffer from nervous breakdowns; I don’t care if the elderly don’t sleep at all and get sick more often. My aim is to evict all of you from here or see you kick the bucket,” the paper read.

The unemployed man also expressed confidence that there was no way for him to be made liable by the law. It’s hard to imagine how Kondratyev avoided being attacked by his neighbors. He was apparently surrounded by decent human beings, who relied on writing complaints to the police and other agencies. 


1.Kondratyev was arrested and charged with ______.

A the sound attack

B breaking into a house

C destroying private items

D a violent attack on neighbors

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段A whole residential building was turned into a living hell by one vengeful resident Yury Kondratyev, who played horse neighing through a loudspeaker almost every night.可知Kondratyev几乎每晚都在扩音器里播放马叫声,对邻居进行声音袭击,故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “tortured” mean in Paragraph 2?

A Scared.

B Damaged.

C Tormented.

D Threatened.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据第一段...charged with the “tormenting of two or more people.”和第三段Yury Kondratyev tortured his neighbors with non-stop horse neighing.可知Kondratyev因不停地用扩音器发出马叫声报复“折磨”邻居,故选C。

3.Why did Kondratyev do something illegal?

A Because he thought it was just fun.

B Because he knew nothing about the law.

C Because some kids said bad words to him.

D Because the noise from his neighbor annoyed him.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段The local media said the sound attack was Kondratyev’s retaliation for the noise made by the kids in a flat above him.可知是因为Kondratyev嫌弃楼上公寓里的孩子发出噪音而实施报复,故选D。

4.Kondratyev’s neighbors safeguarded legal rights through _______.

A a secret attack

B an eye for an eye

C writing complaints

D the face-to-face blame

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段He was apparently surrounded by decent human beings, who relied on writing complaints to the police and other agencies.可知,Kondratyev的邻居们通过向警察和其他机构提交书面投诉来维护他们的合法权益,故选C。