加州房价猛涨 越来越多加州人选择居住在水上
加州房价猛涨 越来越多加州人选择居住在水上

With home prices in the Bay Area nearing seven figures, some who can't afford to live on land are settling down on the water, dropping anchor near cities like Sausalito, and living on Richardson Bay, rent-free. The number of these so-called "anchor-outs" has doubled in recent years, and today more than 100 people comprise a community which is just like a floating homeless shelter.
Jimi Mcintosh, who's lived off the shore of Sausalito for years, says given his finances, he has no other choice. "It's impossible to live on land, making what I make, even working full time." Sausalito Police Chief John Rohrbacher took a tour of some of those aging vessels with generators and all kinds of household items. "It's the issue for responding fire or police if we have to go on board," Rohrbacher said. "But it's also a problem for the people that live on it because they can't get off when there is fire." Other dangers include boats that break anchor in storms, flying debris, and the environmental damage caused by dumped trash and human waste, police say.
While some contend anchor-outs add to the color and character of this tourist town, others see an eyesore and argue it's unfair for taxpayers to continually support a community living illegally. Connie Strycker, who owns a waterfront home in the city of Belvedere, says anchor-outs bring a lot of trouble. "The police are really coming over with a weapon—a very heavy boat—that smashes into our docks and causes very expensive damage to our homes," Strycker says.
Covering more than 900 acres, Richardson Bay is managed by regional and state agencies. It's a complex partnership that means different waters have different rules. But in Sausalito, a  crackdown on anchor-outs has reduced the number of illegal vessels from 90 in 2017 to just over a dozen today. Police admit some just sailed somewhere else.


1.Who are called "anchor-outs"?

A Those who could buy houses.

B Those who are living on water.

C Those who build a community.

D Those who are fond of shelters.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句some who can't afford to live on land are settling down on the water可以得知anchor-outs指的是那些买不起房子而生活在水上的人,故选B。

2.Why does Jimi Mcintosh choose to live off the shore?

A He doesn’t work full time.

B He could’t afford houses.

C He wants to practise boating.

D He hates living on large land.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句given his finances, he has no other choice可以得知因为其金融状况他没有其他选择,也就是说钱太少了买不起房子,故选B。

3.What is Rohrbacker worried about?

A People living on the water have safety problems.

B People living on water have no time to go shopping.

C People living on water don’t care about their health.

D People living on water have no job and money.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段But it's also a problem for the people that live on it because they can't get off when there is fire可以得知当有火灾的时候人们也没法逃脱,也就是说他们有安全方面的问题,这让警察局长Rohrbacker担忧,故选A。

4.What do the police do to end the home on the water?

A They stop the tourists from coming in.

B They build a number of really strong docks.

C They break the docks with a heavy boat.

D They help some vessels sail somewhere.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句The police are really coming over with a weapon—a very heavy boat—that smashes into our docks and causes very expensive damage to our homes可以得知为了终结在水上居住的现象,警察用重型船舶毁掉了他们的码头,故选C。