印度空气污染持续 “氧吧”吸氧成新时尚
印度空气污染持续 “氧吧”吸氧成新时尚

Can you guess what it is? We cannot see it. We cannot catch it. But we use it for free every second of every day. Yes, it is oxygen. It’s very important to people. Recently, however, some Indians are buying it at the country’s first oxygen bar.  
The bar is called Oxy Pure. As the name suggests, it sells clean air to customers. A 15-minute period of oxygen costs between $4 and $6. Oxygen has no smell itself, and this bar mixes oxygen with different aromas. Customers can choose one from seven aromas and mix it with oxygen. Each aroma is said to have a different health benefit.  
Most customers say they come to the bar to escape air pollution across the country. Only they can know whether the fresh air is helpful or not.  

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1.What’s the name of the first oxygen bar in India?

A Oxy Bar.

B Oxy Pure.

C Oxy World.

D Oxy Aroma.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句some Indians are buying it at the country’s first oxygen bar.和第二段第一句The bar is called Oxy Pure.可知,印度的第一家氧吧的名字叫Oxy Pure,故选B。

2.How much may it cost to enjoy a 30-minute pure oxygen?

A 4 dollars.

B 6 dollars.

C 10 dollars.

D 14 dollars.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句A 15-minute period of oxygen costs between $4 and $6.可知,吸氧15分钟需要花费4至6美元,所以吸氧半小时最可能花费8至12美元,故选C。

3.What does the bar sell?

A Clean food.

B Clean water.

C Clean aromas.

D Oxygen with aromas.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句As the name suggests, it sells clean air to customers.和第二段第五句Customers can choose one from seven aromas and mix it with oxygen.可知,这家氧吧卖的氧气里面混入了香味,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Every aroma in the bar is good for health.

B There are lots of oxygen bars in India now.

C Oxygen with no aroma in the bar is free for us all.

D The seven kinds of aromas in the bar can be caught easily.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句Each aroma is said to have a different health benefit可知,每一种香味的氧气,都对健康有不同的好处,故选A。

5.Why do customers come and buy the oxygen?

A They want to save the great oxygen.

B They want to take the oxygen with aromas.

C They want to escape air pollution across the country.

D They want to know whether the fresh air is clean.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句Most customers say they come to the bar to escape air pollution across the country.可知,大部分的顾客来氧吧是为了逃避弥漫全国的空气污染,故选A。