“上海造”特斯拉Model 3到店展示 起售价35.58万
“上海造”特斯拉Model 3到店展示 起售价35.58万

Tesla fans in China can now take a test drive in a Model 3 made in Shanghai. The first Chinese-made Tesla (TSLA) cars started arriving on Friday in the company's 49 experience centers in China, which offer customers information and the opportunity to take a test drive. The Model 3 is also being showcased at an international car exhibition in the city of Guangzhou on Friday.
Made in the new Shanghai Gigafactory, the cars have a starting price of 355,800 yuan ($50,623), making them about 2% cheaper than an imported model. Customers can only buy the cars online, and Tesla has been taking orders since October 25.
The Shanghai factory was built in just 10 months and only began trial production last month. In a letter, Tesla said the facility was about 65% cheaper to build than its Model 3 production plant in the United States. CEO Elon Musk has described the factory, the first outside the United States, as the "template for future growth". Last week, Musk announced Tesla would build another gigafactory in Berlin, a move that would take the great electric car race to the manufacturing heart of Europe.
In Shanghai, Tesla is targeting annual production of 150,000 units of the Model 3. It is reportedly sourcing batteries from Panasonic (PCRFF), as well as LG Chem and China's CATL. Tesla has high hopes for growth in China, the world's largest electric car market. "China is by far the largest market for mid-sized premium sedans. With the Model 3 priced on a par with gasoline powered mid-sized sedans, we believe China could become the biggest market for the Model 3," the company said last month.


1.What can customers do in the company's 49 experience centers?

A They can visit the car exhibition.

B They can try driving the Model 3.

C They can buy the Model 3.

D They can watch the production of cars.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句后半部分which offer customers information and the opportunity to take a test drive可以得知顾客可以在体验中心试驾Model 3,故选B。

2.What is the advantage of the Model 3 made in Shanghai?

A The faster speed.

B The stronger car body.

C The lower price.

D The easier purchase.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句making them about 2% cheaper than an imported model可以得知在上海生产的Model 3价格会相对便宜一些,故选C。

3.What did Elon Musk think about the gigafactory in Shanghai?

A It would be very successful.

B It would be ended soon.

C It would be moved to Berlin.

D It would make no money.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第三句CEO Elon Musk has described the factory, the first outside the United States, as the "template for future growth可以得知 Elon Musk认为这是在美国本土之外生产的样板,据此可以推知他认为该工厂很成功,故选A。

4.Why did Tesla choose to build a factory in China?

A China was the manufacturing heart of the world.

B China could provide the best batteries in the world.

C China had the largest number of potential buyers.

D China didn’t like the large-sized premium sedans.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最一段第三句China is by far the largest market for mid-sized premium sedans可以得知中国是这种中型豪华电车的最大市场,也就是潜在的购买者最多,故选C。