英国一村庄多次出现2000英镑神秘现金 警方一头雾水
英国一村庄多次出现2000英镑神秘现金 警方一头雾水

There could be a Good Samaritan who keeps leaving thousands of pounds in streets in County Durham. Police and villagers are confused about why the cash, almost always £2,000 in £20 notes per bundle, appeared at least 12 times over the last five years. Four bundles have been left just this year, with the latest found on Monday morning. They are always left in plain sight, although in different locations throughout the village. Detectives have tried to figure out why they keep appearing, and have even carried out finger print checks, but so far they still have no idea. Could it be someone very rich but also forgetful, or is it intentional?

Police praised honest residents of Blackhall Colliery for handing in the money. They got to keep it in the end anyway, as the cash is held for two weeks to give the owner a chance to come forward and then returned to the finder. Detective Constable John Forster said the team had interviewed numerous people and organisations in the village as well as carrying out checks with the local bank and post office and even tested for fingerprints, but the circumstances surrounding the bundles of money remain a mystery. He said, “These bundles are always left in plain sight such as on pavements and discovered by random members of the public who have handed them in. ”

“The circumstances remain a mystery so we would welcome any information that will help us get to the bottom of these random incidents,” John Forster said. Gary Storey said, “What a nice thing to do. Someone would love to help people and see their reaction, especially if they were struggling to make ends meet. Well done to that kind soul.” If you have any information, contact Durham Constabulary.


1.Which of the following can explain the appearance of the cash?

A A bank robbery happened.

B A wealthy man did good deeds.

C It remained a mystery.

D Someone played tricks on villagers.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段Detectives have tried to figure out why they keep appearing, and have even carried out finger print checks, but so far they still have no idea.可知,侦探们一直试图查出事件真相,但到目前为止,他们仍然不知道是怎么回事,故选C。

2.What do you think about the residents’ behavior?

A They are elegant.

B They are noble.

C They are selfish.

D They are generous.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段Police praised honest residents of Blackhall Colliery for handing in the money.可知,当地居民拾金不昧,纷纷把钱交给警方,由此推断他们品格高尚,故选B。

3.Which one is not the way of investigating?

A Testing fingerprints.

B Interviewing people and organizations.

C Viewing the monitoring video.

D Carrying out checks with the bank and the post office.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段Detective Constable John Forster said the team had interviewed numerous people and organisations in the village as well as carrying out checks with the local bank and post office and even tested for fingerprints...可知未观看监控录像,故选C。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A The cash was dumped at fixed locations around the village.

B Police praised people for handing in the cash two weeks ago.

C Theories have been spreading over the bars in Blackhall Colliery.

D Police felt confused about who left the cash and why the cash was left.
