英国6岁女孩登顶非洲最高峰 刷新最小女性成功登顶者纪录
英国6岁女孩登顶非洲最高峰 刷新最小女性成功登顶者纪录

A 6-year-old British girl Ashleen Mandrick has changed into the youngest female to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Her action amazed skilled mountaineers and guides as she climbed the highest mountain in Africa without any help.

She enjoyed her climb so much that two weeks later she climbed the Tanzanian peak again by taking a advantageous route, this time in freezing temperatures and high winds. Ashleen was accompanied by her mother Victoria Mandrick, 45, a health care provider, and 11-year-old brother Nicolas on the way of the climb. They were with her all the way.

Her first climb took six days while the second took only 5. Mrs Mandrick said that Ashleen broke the record held by American girl Montannah Kenney. She reached the summit at the age of seven years and ten months last year. The youngest person to climb Kilimanjaro is Colton Tanner from Contemporary Mexico. He reached the peak in October 2018 at six years, one month — a few months younger than Ashleen.


1.Where is Mount Kilimanjaro?

A In Asia.

B In Africa.

C In Europe.

D In America.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段as she climbed the highest mountain in Africa可知,小女孩登顶非洲最高峰“乞力马扎罗山”,故选B。

2.What can we learn from paragraph 2?

A Ashleen chose a hard route.

B Ashleen’s father took care of her.

C Ashleen met bad weather while climbing.

D Ashleen’s brother stopped half way.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段this time in freezing temperatures and high winds可知,Ashleen登山时遇到了恶劣天气,故选C。

3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “accompanied” in paragraph 2?

A 反对.

B 理解.

C 支持.

D 陪伴.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段Ashleen was accompanied by her mother Victoria Mandrick, 45, a health care provider, and 11-year-old brother Nicolas on the way of the climb. They were with her all the way.可推测,妈妈和哥哥是一路“陪伴”着Ashleen,故选D。

4.Who became the youngest climber of Kilimanjaro?

A Nicolas.

B Colton Tanner.

C Ashleen Mandrick.

D Montannah Kenney.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段The youngest person to climb Kilimanjaro is Colton Tanner from Contemporary Mexico. He reached the peak in October 2018 at six years, one month — a few months younger than Ashleen.可知,Colton Tanner登顶年龄比Ashleen还有小几个月,所以他是乞力马扎罗山的最年轻登顶者,故选B。