研究称中国治污见成效 挽救数十万生命
研究称中国治污见成效 挽救数十万生命

Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved in 2017 alone because of the improvement of the environment, according to new research. Fine particle pollution declined rapidly following the new rules on industrial emissions and the promotion of clean fuels, according to the study, published on Monday in the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). The study, which focused on the period from 2013-2017, was conducted by a group of Chinese researchers and scientists.
PM2.5, as this kind of pollution is known, is so small that it can enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to cancer, stroke and heart attack in the long term. After rapid industrialization and weak regulations left the country with a reputation for smog and bad air quality, Chinese authorities started to take air pollution seriously in 2008. 
In 2013, Beijing had PM2.5 concentrations 40 times higher than levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the government introduced its toughest-ever clean air policies that year. The study found "significant declines" in PM2.5 levels across China from 2013-2017, with new standards for thermal power plants and industrial boilers, the replacement of old factories, and new emissions rules for vehicles. The authors say this "confirms the effectiveness of China's recent clean air actions."
These recent actions have seen Beijing fall out of the top 100 most-polluted cities in Asia in recent years, with the pollution levels 10% lower across Chinese cities between 2017 and 2018, according to a report by Greenpeace and AirVisual. Shanghai, the country's largest city and financial capital, has also made environmental advances, such as adopting strict recycling regulations. Public pressure has been the driving force of pollution policy in China.
Air pollution is a global issue, and India is now home to 22 of the 30 most polluted world cities, according to the Greenpeace and AirVisual report. In the US, a recent study said air pollution was linked to more than 107,000 deaths in 2011 and cost the country $866 billion.


1.What saved many lives in China?

A China's clean air policies.

B The increased particle pollution.

C The study by researchers.

D The reduction of the clean fuels.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段because of the improvement of the environment以及Fine particle pollution declined rapidly following the new rules on industrial emissions and the promotion of clean fuels可知是中国对细颗粒污染的控制政策才成就的环境的好转然后才救了很多的人的命,故选A。

2.Why did PM2.5 cause many diseases?

A It was called smog.

B It made the air cleaner.

C It went into the blood.

D It had a bad reputation.

解析:选C。细节理解判断题。根据文章第二段第一句so small that it can enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to cancer, stroke and heart attack in the long term可以得知得知PM2.5因为其颗粒小而进入人体的血液从而让人们致病,故选C。

3.When did Chinese government decide to treat the pollution?

A In 2008.

B In 2013.

C In 2017.

D In 2018.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句the government introduced its toughest-ever clean air policies that year可以得知中国政府是在2013年下决心整治严重的污染问题的,故选B。

4.What did people in Shanghai do to protect the environment?

A They built the thermal power plants.

B They stopped using industrial boilers.

C They made Shanghai financial capital.

D They tried to recycle some rubbish.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句such as adopting strict recycling regulations可以得知上海通过规定垃圾循环利用来保护环境,故选D。