美国5岁男孩拨打911称想吃麦当劳 暖心警察亲自送餐上门
美国5岁男孩拨打911称想吃麦当劳 暖心警察亲自送餐上门

Last week, a 5-year-old named Charlie called 911 (the Mesa Police Department) in search of McDonald’s, and asked for a Happy Meal before hanging up.

“Do you have an emergency?” dispatcher Anthony Bonilla asked in audio footage released by the department. “One Mc-Happy Meal,” Charlie responded before ending the call. In a follow-up call to the household, Bonilla told the boy’s father Randy Skabelund that an officer would soon arrive for a welfare check and that he’d perhaps stop by Mickey D’s beforehand.

Fifteen minutes later, Officer Randolph Valedez arrived to speak with Charlie — with the requested McDonald’s in hand. “He said, ‘I brought you a Happy Meal but before I give it to you, we need to talk about the right time to call 911,’” Charlie’s mom, Kim Skabelund, said. “Officer Valdez was wonderful. He handled the situation with such love and kindness and really touched our hearts.”

“We were completely surprised and a little embarrassed,” she admitted, telling Inside Edition that her son now clearly understands that he should tell his parents not 911 if he’s craving McDonald’s. Kim said she was also surprised to realize that her young son likely ordered the meal for his older sister, Jadyn.

Mesa Police Department later shared the story on Facebook, where it has since gone viral with over 1,500 likes and 360 shares. In a sweet image captured by Charlie’s mom, the boy was all smiles as he posed with the Happy Meal and his new friend, Officer Valdez. “Awesome to see a PD turn this ‘accident’ into a learning moment with a treat, too! Thank you for caring,” one commenter wrote.


1.Why did Charlie call 911 last week?

A Because his older sister Jadyn ate his Happy Meal.

B Because he hoped to make an order for McDonald’s.

C Because he asked 911 the way to get to McDonald’s.

D Because a police officer promised to give him a Happy Meal.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段Last week, a 5-year-old named Charlie called 911 in search of McDonald’s, and asked for a Happy Meal, before hanging up.可知,5岁男孩查理打911报警电话寻找麦当劳,并在挂断之前要求得到一份快乐儿童餐,故选B。

2.Who personally delivered McDonald’s to Charlie?

A Kim Skabelund.

B Officer Valdez.

C Anthony Bonilla.

D Randy Skabelund.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段Fifteen minutes later, Officer Randolph Valedez arrived to speak with Charlie —with the requested McDonald’s in hand.可知,Valedez警官亲自为查理送来了麦当劳快餐,故选B。

3.What is the purpose of the policeman offering Charlie a Happy Meal?

A To keep a track of Charlie’s neighbour’s activities.

B To ensure the safety of Charlie and his older sister.

C To teach Charlie a lesson about the proper time to call 911.

D To investigate a suspect associated with Charlie’s father.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段He said, ‘I brought you a Happy Meal but before I give it to you we need to talk about the right time to call 911,’可知,Valedez 警官此行目的除了送麦当劳快乐儿童餐,最主要还是想给查理上一课,让他了解打911的正确时机,故选C。

4.Charlie’s parents expressed the feelings except _____.

A surprise

B pity

C appreciation

D embarrassment

解析:选B。观点态度题。根据第三段“Officer Valdez was wonderful. He handled the situation with such love and kindness and really touched our hearts.”和第四段“We were completely surprised and a little embarrassed,”可知,查理的父母对Valedez警官的善举表示惊讶、尴尬和感激,并没有提到遗憾,故选B。

5.What can we learn from the touching story?

A Valdez and Bonilla showed no compassion and concern for Charlie.

B Charlie shares the importance of 911 with kindergartners later on.

C It’s another example of the importance of Mesa Police Department.

D It will leave a lasting impression on Charlie and the rest of Mesa community.
