非洲南部干旱肆虐 4500万人面临饥饿威胁
非洲南部干旱肆虐 4500万人面临饥饿威胁

In Africa, 45 million people are threatened with hunger, according to the United Nations' estimates. Emergency food deliveries are planned for regions of South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other nations hit with a deadly combination of low rainfall and high temperatures. “We’ve had the worst drought in 35 years in central and western areas during the growing season,” said Margaret Malu, the World Food Program acting regional director for southern Africa. 
While the U.N. estimates that 45 million people will be starving over the next six months, 11 million now face “crisis” or “emergency” levels of food insecurity in nine countries: Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Eswatini and Lesotho. Southern Africa has received normal levels of rainfall in just one out of the past five growing seasons, which has particularly affected farmers who depend on rain for their crops.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is investing $70 million in agricultural biotechnology initiatives to get rid of hunger across the world. The droughts are also having bad effects on the region’s wildlife. At least 105 elephants have died in Zimbabwe’s wildlife reserves over the last two months due to lack of water and food, according to Zimbabwe’s national parks. Some animals are getting close to the nearby communities in search of food and water.
"The great drought has been the great disaster for many communities. In most of the affected areas there isn't enough drinking water, which means that people and animals — both livestock and wildlife — are having to use the same water points," said Kaitano Chungu, Secretary General of the Zambia Red Cross. "This is dangerous as it exposes people to diseases and creates a high risk of animal attacks."


1.What made people in Africa lack food?

A Slow food deliveries.

B The great flood.

C The worst drought.

D No growing fields.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句Emergency food deliveries are planned for regions of South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other nations hit with a deadly combination of low rainfall and high temperatures.可以得知由于低降雨量(严重干旱)造成了食物短缺,故选C。

2.Why were farmers in Southern Africa affected?

A They had safe levels of food security.

B They needed six months to grow crops.

C Their ways of watering crops were limited.

D They received the normal levels of rainfall.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句which has particularly affected farmers who depend on rain for their crops可以得知干旱致使非洲南部的农民受到很大的影响,因为农民只能靠雨水浇灌,故选C。

3.What did some elephants do in Zimbabwe when hungry?

A They chose to live in national parks.

B They asked for help from the USAID.

C They lived on other kinds of wildlife.

D They sought food in neighouring areas.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句Some animals are getting close to the nearby communities in search of food and water可以得知一些野生大象去附近的地方寻找食物和水源,故选D。

4.What would happen to people if they drink water in the same points with wildlife?

A They might be attacked by the animals.

B They might get enough drinking water.

C They might have to live with livestock.

D They might make friends with animals.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句的This is dangerous as it exposes people to diseases and creates a high risk of animal attacks.可以得知人类和动物共用一个饮水点会增加人类被动物袭击的危险,故选A。