

An ambitious actress died in a tragic car crash after the car she was driving crashed into a tree.  

Sophie Spencer, 24, from Macclesfield, Cheshire, travelling along the Macclesfield Road, near Alderley Edge at the time of the collision. Police confirmed that Ms Spencer’s silver Peugeot 206 was overtaking a car when she made a turn to avoid a black Fiat Panda heading in the opposite direction.

Cheshire Police are keen to talk to the driver of the car which was being overtaken by Ms Spencer’s vehicle at around 7.35pm on Tuesday. Firefighters used specialist cutting equipment to remove Ms Spencer from her car and rushed her to Macclesfield Hospital, where she later died.  

Heartbroken friends paid tribute to the “beautiful” young woman who had began her career by starring in three low-budget dramas.

Director Andrew Walkington, founder of the Co-operative British Youth Film Academy, worked with Ms Spencer on 2011’s The Limelight, As You Like It and Re-Evolution. He said: “Sophie was an exceptionally talented young lady with a wonderful manner. She was such a giving and generous woman and she would always befriend anyone she worked with. Sophie would have been than happy to work in any television drama. She was a lovely lady and she will be missed.”

Hannah Blakely posted on Facebook: “I am so upset. Sophie you were beyond lovely. Deliberately drove the long way home from work to avoid that road. R.I.P” Nikki Breen said: “I had the pleasure of working with Sophie and what a talented, kind, beautiful soul she was. Always smiling and brightening up a room. Keep smiling girlie. You’ll be forever missed.”

The former Fallibroome Academy pupil fell in love with acting at school before studying theatre and performing arts at South Cheshire College.

Police are now appealing for witnesses and are keen to trace the driver of the vehicle that was overtaken. Anyone with information should call PC Paul Burke from Cheshire Police on 101, quoting incident 803 of November 24. 


1.What caused the accident?

A The tree by the road near Alderley Edge.

B The car overtaking Ms Spencer along the Macclesfield Road.

C The black Fiat Panda coming in the opposite direction.

D A car that made a sudden turn while overtaking other cars.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段when she made a turn to avoid a black Fiat Panda heading in the opposite direction可知,斯宾塞超车时对面开来一辆黑色的菲亚特熊猫,为了躲避这辆车,斯宾塞急打方向盘,结果撞在了树上。

2.What was Ms Spencer’s character?

A Giving, generous and friendly.

B Talented, giving and generous.

C Giving, generous and lovely.

D Talented, kind and beautiful.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第五段Andrew Walkington导演对斯宾塞的评价可知,她是一位给予、大方而又友好的演员。

3.Why does the author include people’s tribute to Ms Spencer in the passage?

A To show people’s sadness about Ms Spencer’s tragedy.

B To show people’s admiration about Ms Spencer’s achievement.

C To prove that Ms Spencer had a pleasant character.

D To tell us that Ms Spencer had a lot of friends.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章四五六段可知,斯宾塞的朋友纷纷发表声明,以示对她的不幸表示哀悼。由此判断,作者在文章中引述这些声明,目的是为了表达人们对一位新星的哀思。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A The police have found who was responsible for the accident.

B Overtaking other cars on the highway is very dangerous.

C Ms Spencer has a promising future for her career.

D The police are still looking into the cause of the accident.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,警方还在寻找事故的目击者。由此判断,警方对于这起事故的原因并没有做出结论,现在还在调查过程中。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Sophie Spencer, the Rising Star.

B Young Actress Died in Car Accident.

C Friends Paid Tribute to Young Actress.

D Police Look into Cause of Sophie Car Crash.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章报道了一位电视新星遭遇车祸不幸身亡的消息。