
Carolyn Collins, 54, a custodian at Tucker High School in Tucker, Georgia, gives clothes, school supplies and snacks to less fortunate students. Collins said she created her “giving closet” five years ago after meeting two students who were homeless. “I gave them a little bit of everything because my heart just went out to them,” said Collins, adding that she gifted the teens food, clothes, shoes and notebook paper.

Over the years, Collins, who’s been at Tucker High School for nearly a decade, said her closet has evolved thanks to donations from the community and the local church.

“It started off as a few knick-knacks as far as toiletries and other items that the students needed,” Principal Eric Parker said. “At this point, she has anything that any student would need.” Parker said that about 1,800 pupils aged 14 to 18 years old attend Tucker, some of whom come from low-income families. About 5 to 15 students at any given time may classify themselves as homeless.

“She has a very caring heart and is a very giving lady,” Parker said of Collins, whom the kids like to call “Mama Collins”. “She has definitely taken it upon herself to meet the needs of the students. Not only with the closet, but they feel comfortable enough to ask her.”

“It makes me feel good just to see a smile on their face,” Collins said. “I just want to keep helping as long as I can.”


1.Collins often give ______ things through her “giving closet”.

A students who do part-time jobs

B students who need help

C students whose parents are out of work

D students who study in Tucker High School

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段第一句gives clothes, school supplies and snacks to less fortunate students和第四段She has definitely taken it upon herself to meet the needs of the students.可知,柯林斯通过她的“捐赠壁橱”送东西给那些需要得到帮助的学生,故选B。

2.Why was Collins grateful to the community and the local church?

A Because they set up Tucker High School.

B Because they donated a lot of things.

C Because they supported her to go to school.

D Because they encouraged more people to create “giving closets”.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段her closet has evolved thanks to donations from the community and local church可知,柯林斯对社区和当地教会的捐赠表示感谢,故选B。

3.What did Principal Eric Parker think of Collins?

A Clever.

B Careful.

C Humorous.

D Warm-hearted.

解析:选D。观点态度题。根据第四段Eric Parker校长对柯林斯的评价She has a very caring heart and is a very giving lady可知,校长认为柯林斯是一位热心肠的人,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A There were many homeless students at Tucker High School.

B Collins was not so pleased with her “giving closet”.

C The students regarded Collins as a mother with love.

D Principal Eric Parker gave poor students lots of donations.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第四段...the kids like to call “Mama Collins”可知,学生们把柯林斯视为充满爱心的母亲,故选C。