

As the temperature drops, it is important to keep your pets warm and well-dressed. The cold weather is coming, many people are busy buying new coats for their pets. They want to keep them warm from the cold from head to toe, but how do you make sure your pets are also comfortable during the winter?

Many dog owners dress their animals up in winter coats. But it is important to know that different kinds of dogs deal with winter differently.

Small dogs with short or thin hair need pets’ clothes for cold weather. Larger dogs with thicker coats of hair do not need to be dressed in winter because their hair can help to protect them from low temperatures. However, all the older or ill dogs need clothes to stay warm.

Once a pet owner has decided that they need to buy a coat for their dog, they should make sure they are getting clothes the animal will be comfortable in. You’d better choose clothes made of cotton or wool. Getting the right size is important. The clothes need to be neither too big nor too small. The most important areas are around the neck. At last remember, dogs cannot wear pants.


1.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “ drop”?

A 上升

B 下降

C 平稳

D 回暖

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据文章后面提到的寒冷的天气和冬天等词,可猜测该句意为温度下降,因此该词意为“下降”。故答案为B。

2.Why are many people buying new coats when the winter is coming?

A To keep themselves warm.

B To celebrate the New Year.

C To keep their children warm.

D To keep their pets warm.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“The cold weather is coming, many people are busy buying new coats for their pets. They want to keep them warm from the cold from head to toe,”可知,人们买外套是为了给宠物取暖,故答案为D。

3.Which kind of dogs can keep warm by themselves during the winter?

A The small dogs with thin or short hair.

B The large dogs with thick hair.

C The older or ill dogs.

D The large dogs with thin hair.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“Larger dogs with thicker coats of hair do not need to be dressed in winter because their hair can help to protect them from low temperatures.”可知,毛长得很厚的大狗可以通过自身的毛保暖,不需要穿外套,因此答案为B。

4.Which is wrong when you buy a coat for your pet dog?

A Clothes made of cotton or wool can make it comfortable.

B Getting the right size is important.

C A big coat can make it more comfortable.

D The most important areas are around the neck.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的内容可知,给宠物选外套时,最好选棉布或羊毛的,大小要合适,既不能太大也不能太小,最重要的是脖子周围,因此太大的不会使宠物感到舒服,故答案为C。

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A How to make your pets more beautiful.

B How to help your pets keep warm in winter.

C How to keep your room warm in winter.

D How to make your pets more comfortable.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了在冬天如何给宠物保暖,故答案为B。