

Angry protesters set fire to buildings and cars and robbed businesses in Ferguson, Missouri, after a grand jury decided not to charge a white police officer over the death of unarmed black 18-year-old Michael Brown. The  shooting led to deep racial tensions between African-Americans and police. 

Within minutes of the announcement by the county’s top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision. Some teased police, broke windows and damaged cars. Several gunshots were also heard. Officers released tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the gatherings. Violence continued throughout the evening and into early Tuesday morning. 

President Barack Obama and the family of Michael Brown asked for calm. As Obama spoke live from the White House briefing room, television networks showed him on one side of the screen, and violent demonstrations in Ferguson on the other.

Long waiting crowds became angry and took to the streets around the Ferguson Police headquarters upon the decision that there was no probable cause to charge Wilson with any crime for the shooting of 18-year-old Brown this past summer. 

St Louis police reported that rioters fired 150 live gunshots and more than a dozen local businesses were burnt down to the ground by arsonists. Some reports say that fire fighters have been tackling up to 25 structural fires caused by rioters.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said that the disturbances this time were “much worse” than those that burst out in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. 

There were 61 arrests in Ferguson overnight, many for burglary and trespassing, St. Louis County Police spokesman Brian Schellman said. St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said there were 21 arrests in the city, where some protesters broke business windows along South Grand Avenue. Police said they have not fired any shots.

About 10 St. Louis-bound flights were changed or canceled Monday night because of concern about gunfire being aimed into the sky, a Lambert-St. Louis International Airport spokesman said, but the restrictions expired at 3:30 a.m.



1.What was the result of the white police shooting unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown to death?

A The shooting led to deep racial tensions between African-American and police.

B The shooting caused the riots in Ferguson and other cities across the country.

C The shooting exposed the white police officer to being charged for his action.

D The shooting brought the town under burglary of stores and damage of cars.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段The shooting led to deep racial tensions between African-Americans and police可知,白人警察枪杀黑人青年迈克•布朗事件造成了非裔美国人与警察之间的(种族)关系的紧张。

2.What caused the Ferguson riots?

A Police officers released tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the gatherings.

B Many protesters had been arrested for breaking windows along the streets.

C President Barack Obama and the family of Michael Brown asked for calm.

D The white police officer wouldn’t be charged over the death of Michael Brown.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第一二段可知,大陪审团宣布白人警官枪杀手无寸铁的迈克•布朗竟然不被指控有罪的通知宣布之后,愤怒的人群走向大街,袭击警察,洗劫商店,对商铺纵火,弗格森镇陷入一片骚乱。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A Many stores were stolen and even burnt down to the ground.

B The decision was considered unfair and made people angry.

C People who set fire to the shops had been arrested by police.

D Flights to or from St. Louis had been delayed because of the riots.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision可知,人们认为这个决定是不公平的,人们盼了几个月的调查竟然得出这样的结果,实在令人愤怒。

4.What was the effect of the riot?

A Local economy suffered great loss due to unrest.

B Tension aroused between African-Americans and the police.

C Flights to St. Louis were changed or cancelled.

D More demonstrations would take place in Ferguson.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,由于担心骚乱中有人对天空开枪,去往圣•路易斯的航班被更改路线或取消。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A White Police Officer not Charged over Death of Michael Brown.

B Ferguson Saw Violent Protestors Burning down Stores and Cars.

C Police Used Tear Gas and Pepper Spray to Disperse Protestors.

D Riots Took Place in Ferguson upon Grand Jury’s Decision.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要报道了弗格森镇因为大陪审团宣布不对枪杀黑人青年迈克•布朗的白人警官起诉的决定引发民众骚乱的情况。