两岁“小毕加索”纽约开画展 画作大卖至上万元
两岁“小毕加索”纽约开画展 画作大卖至上万元

She is two years old. She doesn’t know her ABC. But her paintings sell for hundreds of dollars each!

The little girl is Lola June. She is from New York City, USA. One evening, her mother was having dinner with a friend. The friend was an artist. Lola was drawing with crayons. The friend watched Lola’s drawings and liked them very much.

The friend showed Lola’s drawings to a gallery owner. The owner’s name is Mike. The owner thought little Lola’s painting would sell well.

Earlier this year, Lola had her own exhibition at the gallery. It was called “Hope”.

Is Lola really a good painter? Or is she just good for her age? The gallery owner said it was a mix of both. “Lola is good,” she said, “And she is good for a 2-year-old.”


1.How much does each of Lola’s paintings sell for?

A One thousand dollars.

B One hundred dollars.

C Hundreds of dollars.

D Thousands of dollars.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段But her paintings sell for hundreds of dollars each!可知:她的画每幅可以买到数百美元,故选C。

2.Where is Lola from?

A New York.

B London.

C Washington.

D Beijing.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段She is from New York City, USA.可知:她来自美国纽约市,故选A。

3.What is Lola’s mother’s friend?

A A teacher.

B An artist.

C A gallery owner.

D A singer.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段The friend was an artist.可知:罗拉妈妈的朋友是位艺术家,故选B。

4.Lola’s mother’s friend showed Lola’s drawings to _________.

A Mike

B Lola’s mother

C Lola’s friend

D a movie star

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段The owner’s name is Mike. 可知:美术馆的主人的名字是Mike,故选A。

5.What’s the name of Lola’s exhibition?

A Crayons.

B Mix.

C New York City.

D Hope.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段Lola had her own exhibition at the gallery. It was called “Hope”.可知:罗拉在美术馆开办了自己的画展,画展名是“Hope”,故选D。