埃博拉病毒或有药可治 最新研究发现两种有效试验性疗法
埃博拉病毒或有药可治 最新研究发现两种有效试验性疗法

International health officials say two experimental drugs used to treat Ebola infections appear to be saving lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Dr. Anthony Fauci of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) called the early results “some very good news”. He said the new drugs may be able to improve the survival of people with Ebola. The NIH helped support the research.

The findings come from a study of four different drugs that started in November of last year.  But an independent monitoring group recommended last week that all new patients should receive either of the two drugs that showed the best results.


The research was designed to test the effectiveness of the drugs on as many as 725 people infected with the Ebola virus in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. An outbreak of Ebola in those parts of the DRC has killed more than 1,800 people since August 2018. The recent study found that less than one-third of patients who were infected died when they took the two new drugs. Those patients who had low levels of the virus in their blood had even better results.

Dr. Ryan of the WHO said he hoped the results would persuade more patients to seek care as soon as symptoms appear. “Getting people into care more quickly is absolutely vital,” he said. However, treating the disease is becoming more difficult because the affected areas of the eastern DRC face ethnic conflict.

Jean-Jacques Muyembe, director general of the National Institute of Biomedical Research in DRC, helped lead the study. He said, “From now on, we will no longer say that Ebola is incurable.”


1.According to Dr. Ryan, we can know ________. ① Ebola is not incurable ② that some affected areas facing ethnic conflict made treating Ebola more tough ③ patients should seek care as soon as symptoms appear ④ Ebola has killed more than 1,800 people since August 2018

A ① ②

B ② ④

C ③ ④

D ② ③

解析:选D。细节理解题。由第五段可知,世界卫生组织的Ryan博士说:让人们更快地得到治疗是绝对重要的;由于刚果民主共和国东部受感染地区面临种族冲突,治疗这种疾病变得更加困难。② ③项表述正确,故选D。

2.Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank in Paragraph 3?

A When were the drugs tested?

B Why were the drugs tested?

C How were the drugs tested?

D Who were the drugs tested by?

解析:选C。推理判断题。第二段最后一句:一个独立的监测小组建议,所有新患者都应该接受两种效果最好的药物中的一种。而第四段第一句:这项研究旨在测试这些药物对North Kivu省和Ituri省725名埃博拉病毒感染者的疗效。由此可知,这里应该是问:这些药物是如何测试的呢? 故选C。

3.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A The drugs were tested on less than 525 people infected with the Ebola virus.

B Dr. Anthony Fauci thinks the new drugs may help more people with Ebola survive.

C One-third of patients who were infected died when they took the two new drugs.

D Patients who had low levels of the virus in their blood had even worse results.

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段Anthony Fauci博士说的话可知:新药也许能够提高埃博拉患者的生存能力,故选B。

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A To tell us that Ebola has killed so many people in DRC.

B To introduce two experimental drugs that are effective against Ebola virus.

C To introduce a doctor from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

D To tell us that International health officials have done much about Ebola.
