
If you live in Washington D.C., Houston or Atlanta, it might be time to take a vacation. Those three cities, followed by Seattle and Chicago, are the most overworked cities in the United States, according to a study released by the mobile technology company Kisi last week. For those looking to catch a break at work, consider San Diego, Sacramento and Omaha: the study rated those cities as the least work-intensive.
Researchers came to these conclusions by looking at how much time people spend on their jobs: how many hours people work in a week; how long they travel back and forth between their places of work and home; how many vacation days they take and how much paid family leave they're offered.
People in Washington D.C. work about 43 hours a week on average, take nine days of vacation and spend about 35 minutes each day getting to work. The main factor dragging down the nation's capital seems to be the amount of paid family leave that's mandated by law. Currently, Washington has zero days of legally mandated paid leave, although the city has announced a paid family leave plan beginning in 2020. Meanwhile, people in San Diego work about 42 hours a week, take nine vacation days and spend about 26 minutes getting to work. But under California law, the city fares much better on paid family leave policies.
Kisi's data is part of a comprehensive index that ranks 40 cities based on their work-life balance. Kisi says, it shouldn't be interpreted as a list of the best places to live or work. Instead, it's a guide for cities to know how they can make life easier for residents.

   本时文由奇速英语国际教育研究院提供,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途, 版权所有,侵权必究!(作者投稿及时文阅读定制请联系微信:400-1000-028)

1.Which five cities are the most overworked cities in the USA according to Paragraph 1?

A Houston, Atlanta, Omaha, Seattle and Chicago.

B Houston, Atlanta, San Diego, Seattle and Chicago.

C Washington D.C., Houston, Atlanta, Seattle and Chicago.

D Washington D.C., Houston, Atlanta, Sacramento and Chicago.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一和二句If you live in Washington D.C., Houston or Atlanta, it might be time to take a vacation. Those three cities, followed by Seattle and Chicago, are the most overworked cities in the United States可知,华盛顿特区、休斯顿、亚特兰大、西雅图和芝加哥是美国工作强度过大最严重的城市,故选C。

2.The second paragraph mainly tells us __________.

A how many vacation days people take

B how many hours people work in a week

C how researchers came to the conclusions

D how much time people spend on their jobs

解析:选C。主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句Researchers came to these conclusions by looking at how much time people spend on their jobs可知,第二段主要告诉我们研究人员是怎样得出结论的,故选C。

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A People in Washington D.C. have no paid family leave now.

B People in San Diego spend about 35 minutes getting to work.

C People in Washington D.C. work about 42 hours a week on average.

D Kisi's data should be interpreted as a list of the best places to live or work.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句Currently, Washington has zero days of legally mandated paid leave, although the city has announced a paid family leave plan beginning in 2020.可知,目前,华盛顿没有法定的带薪假期,故选A。

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A The most overworked cities in USA.

B The least work-intensive cities in USA.

C How much time people spend on their jobs in USA.

D How Kisi does the study about the most overworked cities.
