加州鼠患成灾 引发公共卫生危机
加州鼠患成灾 引发公共卫生危机

An ever-growing number of rodents in California—particularly in Los Angeles—is being fueled by a growing homeless population and restrictions on rodenticides that are risking a public health crisis. "California is being overrun by rodents," said Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California. "Without immediate emergency action by state and local governments, we face significant economic costs and risk a public health crisis."
Rodents can carry dangerous diseases such as typhus, plague and salmonella, in addition to their roles contributing to asthma. "Contrary to the common belief, being bitten by a rodent is rare and is not the most common way diseases are spread. Nonetheless, reports of city workers being bitten by rodents is on the rise—with most recent cases being reported in Los Angeles," the report notes. The study also surveyed 23 pest control companies in California, and found that all of the reported that rat service requests were up almost 60 percent in the past year. 
At a press conference at Los Angeles City Hall on Tuesday, DeMaio there were two particular reasons behind the rodent explosion. "First, the homeless population increase, which provides a source of food which supports the population growth," he said. "Second, many local governments, including Los Angeles, have banned the most effective practices for killing the rats."
Besides a 12 percent spike in homelessness in Los Angeles County in the past year, another problem is illegal dumping. Last month, Los Angeles County mentioned 85 downtown businesses for not having proper trash receptacles, exacerbating the problem of illegal dumping. The Los Angeles City Council recently paid more than $6.5 million to the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation to cover costs of hygiene and health services and cleanup teams that will target areas in great need of cleaning. 


1.What Carl DeMai said in the first paragraph means _______.

A the problem of rodents must be dealt with at once

B more homeless people should be given the houses

C the government should focus on the public health

D significant economic progress should be made

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句的Without immediate emergency action by state and local governments可以得知他建议政府要立刻采取行动,故选A。

2.What is people’s traditional idea about rodents?

A They don’t carry dangerous diseases.

B People won’t be bittern by the rodents.

C The city workers face more danger.

D The number of rodents never changes.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句being bitten by a rodent is rare and is not the most common way diseases are spread可以得知传统的观点认为老鼠不会咬人,故选B。

3.Why did the growing homeless population cause the number of rodents to increase?

A They liked to play with rats when free.

B The rats had got enough foods to eat.

C The homeless people have rodenticides.

D They do not like to work at all.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句which provides a source of food which supports the population growth可以得知流浪人员给老鼠提供了吃的,故选B。

4.What will $6.5 million be used for?

A Paying for the illegal dumping.

B Improving public health services.

C Buying medicine for homeless people.

D Building more downtown businesses.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation to cover costs of hygiene and health services and cleanup teams可以得知这650万拨款将会被用于提供公共健康服务水平,故选B。