美国女子误收26年前香港寄出的明信片 决心找到收件人
美国女子误收26年前香港寄出的明信片 决心找到收件人

An Illinois woman is hoping to solve a 26-year-old mystery after a postcard from Hong Kong arrived in her mailbox last week. Kim Draper said she thought the postcard was just delivered to the wrong house when it arrived on July 8. "I first looked at it and I just thought it might be for one of my neighbors that I didn't know, because it's in such good condition," Draper said. "And then I really got to looking at it and reading it, and it was like, 'This is from 1993.' It kind of blew me over."
It was dated on July 8, 1993—exactly 26 years before it showed up in Draper's Springfield, Illinois, home. The postcard has a picture of traditional Chinese boats and was addressed to Leena and Ali. The message opens with “I am having a good time in this extremely crowded place.” and signs off with “See you guys soon. Your Dad.”
Draper said she's lived in the house with her husband and 12-year-old son for almost four years, and this is the first time that she's gotten the mail. The card indeed arrived at the correct address—just more than a quarter-century late, she said. She decided to try to find them. Draper said the person she bought the house from didn't know them, but thought that they might have rented the house from a previous owner. Their names also didn't show up in online property tax records.
Draper found a Leena Kizilbash on Facebook in Massachusetts, but didn't see a way to contact her to find out if she was the right person. She even did an interview with her local newspaper. "I was hoping that maybe if someone saw it in our local newspaper, maybe a family member, maybe they could reach out and let me know," Draper said. She hopes she can get the postcard in the couple's hands. "I'd really like to meet them. I don't want to just throw it in the mail," she said. Her friends and coworkers are also invested in the search and are waiting to find out how the story ends.


1.Why was Kim Draper blown over?

A The postcard was delivered to the wrong house.

B It took such a long time for the postcard to arrive.

C One of her own neighbors gave the wrong address.

D She was not able to read the words on the postcard.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句'This is from 1993'It kind of blew me over.可以得知是这张明信片久远的历史让她感觉到吃惊,故选B。

2.Who sent the postcard?

A Leena and Ali’s father.

B Kim Draper’s father.

C Leena and Ali.

D Leena Kizilbash.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句The postcard has a picture of traditional Chinese boats and was addressed to Leena and Ali可以得知明信片是写给 Leena 和Ali的;结合该段最后的See you guys soon. Your Dad可以得知是父亲写给Leena 和Ali的;据此可以得知是他们的父亲邮寄的明信片,故选A。

3.Why couldn’t Draper find the receivers’ names in online property tax records?

A That was the first time that she's gotten the mail.

B The card arrived at the correct address then.

C It was likely that they just rented the house.

D She forgot the person she bought the house from.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段倒数第二句that they might have rented the house from a previous owner可以得知他们或许是租住的房子,因此在纳税系统上找不到他们的名字,故选C。

4.What did Draper do to find the right person?

A She wrote many cards to her friends.

B She turned to the local newspaper.

C She went to Hong Kong herself again.

D She did an interview on Facebook.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句She even did an interview with her local newspaper可以得知为了找到卡片的主人,她在当地报社接受采访,故选B。