
A 9-year-old girl whose disappearance gripped China was found dead in the East China Sea after a wide-sweeping search. Zhejiang Provincial Police reported that although the girl's body showed no signs of violence, her death could not be considered an accident. Zhang Zixin was last seen on July 7 in the company of two adults found dead later that day; local officials stated the two adults drowned themselves in a nearby lake. Her disappearance ended a week-long search that involved speedboats and sonar equipment until Xiangshan County police announced on Sunday her body had been discovered.
Zixin was taken away by the adults, a couple from the southern province of Guangdong who had been renting rooms in the house where she lived with her grandparents. Her father, Zhang Jun, was working in a northern Chinese city hundreds of miles away at the time and stated the couple deceived Zixin’s farmer grandparents into letting them take her away.
Zhang recalled how the couple claimed to want to make Zixin a flower girl at a wedding in Shanghai and despite his objections, led the girl away the following morning. For three days he was able to stay in contact with the couple via WeChat.
They promised to bring the girl home by the end of July 6 and sent frequent updates, but he said he grew increasingly suspicious when the couple refused his offer to drive to their location to pick Zixin up. He took an overnight train home and said he spoke to his daughter for the last time that Sunday.
Zhang turned in his daughter’s missing report to authorities the next morning and posted the couple’s information online; authorities announced a 6-mile search zone shortly after. When officials confirmed the deaths of the couple, Zixin’s whereabouts became a nationwide fixation.


1.What happened to the adults who took Zhang Zixin away?

A They were hurt in an accident.

B They were caught by officials.

C They killed themselves then.

D They got the wide-sweeping search.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第三句local officials stated the two adults drowned themselves in a nearby lake可以得知带走孩子的那两个成年人自杀了,故选C。

2.Who allowed the couple to take Zixin away?

A The local police.

B Her father.

C The neighbors.

D Her grandparents.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句the couple deceived Zixin’s farmer grandparents into letting them take her away可以得知是孩子的祖父母同意他们把孩子带走的,故选D。

3.Why did Zixin’s father become suspicious?

A The couple wanted her daughter to be a flower girl.

B The couple took an overnight train home.

C The couple refused his meeting the girl.

D The couple kept in touch with him through Wechat.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句but he said he grew increasingly suspicious when the couple refused his offer to drive to their location to pick Zixin up可以得知当他们拒绝章子欣的父亲开车去接孩子的时候,父亲开始怀疑了,故选C。

4.What were people concerned about after the deaths of the couple?

A Who was to blame for Zixin’s death.

B Where on earth Zixin was.

C How authorities paid for the families.

D Why the terrible couple were so cruel.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句When officials confirmed the deaths of the couple, Zixin’s whereabouts became a nationwide fixation可以得知那对夫妇被确认死亡后,子欣的下落成了全国关注的焦点,也就是孩子到底在哪里,故选B。