
Men really are better than women at reading maps—but only because of the toys they had as children, an expert on the brain claims. Playing with Lego or video games helps boys learn to think differently from girls, who tend to play with dolls. Professor Gina Rippon says it is a myth that men’s and women’s brains are inherently very different. But that was not the reason for differences in reading maps.
Professor Rippon told the Hay Festival, “The issue of map-reading, which is kind of a manifestation of a spatial skill, is actually supposedly one area where there’s a really clear difference. It does appear that on average men do have some better ability at spatial skills. But if you then track back their experience they’ve had with Lego and video games, it’s much higher in boys and they’re much more encouraged with construction toys, for example. So it’s difficult to know if the adult difference is really a manifestation of perhaps a tiny biological difference at the beginning which has been magnified by a whole range of different experiences.”
A professor of cognitive neuro-imaging at the Aston Brain Centre, Aston University, Birmingham, says in her book The Gendered Brain that the map-reading stereotype needs updating. Professor Rippon added, “Far from being the gold standard proof that female-male aptitude and ability differences are rooted and fixed in their different biologies, spatial cognition provides a detailed and ongoing case study of the power of the world to shape such individual skills.”
Last year, a study found that women from countries that have made greater strides towards equality in the workplace—such as the UK, Australia and the US—are better at navigating than those from countries where women’s role in society is less advanced.


1.What helps men do better than women at reading maps?

A They read different books.

B The different experiences of their growing up.

C They’re from different families.

D Men’s brains are very different from women’s.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段第二句Playing with Lego or video games helps boys learn to think differently from girls, who tend to play with dolls.可知玩的玩具不同,也就是成长经历的不同,造就了男女不同的读地图的能力,故选B。

2.What is the advantage of Lego?

A It improves children’s spatial skills.

B It creates a tiny biological difference.

C It helps women have better ability.

D It enriches the cognitive neuro-imaging.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段It does appear that on average men do have some better ability at spatial skills. But if you then track back their experience they’ve had with Lego and video games, it’s much higher in boys and they’re much more encouraged with construction toys...可知男孩们玩的乐高玩具让他们拥有更强的空间技能,故选A。

3.What conclusion can we get from The Gendered Brain?

A The world help develop individual skills.

B Ability differences can’t be changed.

C Aptitude differences can be neglected.

D All the stereotypes need updating.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段spatial cognition provides a detailed and ongoing case study of the power of the world to shape such individual skills.可知空间认知提供一个详细且持续的案例研究,说明世界塑造此类个人技能的力量,故选A。

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A Many countries have made great progress.

B The UK and France are developed countries.

C Women make better achievements than men.

D Some women are still not equally treated.

解析:选D。D主旨大意题。根据最后一段...are better at navigating than those from countries where women’s role in society is less advanced.可知有些国家的女士还没被公平地对待,故选D。