
Do not glissade when you see a sign in a washroom telling you to "Slide carefully!" as it actually means "Caution wet floor!"
Likewise, do not look for a bowl when a bank sign asks you to "wait outside a rice noodle". Instead, search for a yellow line, or "one-meter line," which is spelled the same as "a (serving of) rice noodle" in Chinese.
In order to make the city a more foreigner-friendly place, Beijing is in the midst of a colossal clean-up of the hilarious, ubiquitous English mistranslations known as Chinglish.
Chen Mingming, executive vice president of the Translators Association of China and advisor to the correction campaign, said, "Translations of public signs not only help foreigners, but their quality also shapes the image of a city."
Some mistranslations were a result of verbatim translations such as a shop sign that reads "name smoke name liquor" (branded cigarette and liquor) on Beijing's shopping street Wangfujing, while some others stumbled at polysemantic Chinese words like an emergency exit whose English translation sign reads "export" (export and exit share the same word in Chinese).
Zhang Qian, vice head of the office, said signage of private businesses where owners often resort to the Internet for quick solutions, have formed a new citadel for wrong translations.


1.What should you do when you see “Slide Carefully” in the bathroom?

A Walk carefully.

B Run quickly.

C Nothing to worry about.

D Just dance for fun.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段Do not glissade when you see a sign in a washroom telling you to "Slide carefully!" as it actually means "Caution wet floor!"可知,看到"Slide carefully!",意味着“Caution wet floor!”(小心地滑),那么该小心翼翼地走,以防滑到,故选A。

2.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “ubiquitous”?

A 实用的.

B 优雅的.

C 无处不在的.

D 正确的.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。这里说的是北京最近在大量清理那些到处都有的搞笑英语雷翻译,ubiquitous意为“无处不在的”, 故选C。

3.Which of the following is not the reason for Beijing to clean up mistranslations?

A To help foreigners.

B To make the city a more foreigner-friendly place.

C To shape the image of a city.

D To make the city more beautiful and cleaner.


4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A An introduction of translations of public signs in Beijing.

B Mistranslations of public signs are cleaned up in Beijing.

C Mistranslations of public signs in Beijing misled many foreigners.

D Differences between Chinese and English translations of public signs in Beijing.

解析:选B。主旨大意题。 短文主要讲述了北京为了更好地提升城市形象,更好地服务外国友人,特此展开清理错误英文翻译标识的的行动,故选B。