
Everybody knows that seat belts keep people safe. Most people wear seat belts every time they go for a ride in a car. So how do seat belts keep you safe?
First, fastening your seat belt helps keep you inside the vehicle. In a crash, being thrown from the vehicle would cause serious injuries. Your seat belt can prevent that from happening.
Second, when an accident happens, people may be injured by their airbags if they don’t wear their seat belts. Fastening up makes it less likely for you to be injured by the airbag.
Finally, fastening your seat belt reduces the chance of critical injury by 50 percent if you’re in the front seat, and 65 percent if you’re in the back seat.  
A correctly worn seat belt can help save your life. Remember: The shoulder belt should never be placed below your arm or fastened behind your back!


1.Fastening your seat belt _______.

A would cause serious injuries

B can prevent a crash from happening

C can keep you safe forever

D can keep you inside the car when a crash happens

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句First, fastening your seat belt helps keep you inside the vehicle.可知当事故发生时,系安全带可以帮助你保持在车内,故选D。

2.From the passage, we know if you don’t wear your seat belt, _______.

A you will die

B you will be fined by a policeman

C you will break traffic rules

D you may be injured by your airbag when an accident happens

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Second, when an accident happens, people may be injured by their airbags if they don’t wear their seat belts.可知当事故发生时,如果不系安全带人们可能会被安全气囊伤到,故选D。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A Fastening your seat belt reduces the chance of critical injury by 50 percent if you’re in the back seat.

B Fastening your seat belt reduces the chance of critical injury by 65 percent if you’re in the front seat.

C Fastening your seat belt reduces the chance of critical injury by 50 percent if you’re in the front seat.

D Fastening your seat belt reduces the chance of critical injury by 56 percent if you’re in the back seat.


4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A It tells us when to fasten our seat belts.

B It tells us why we should fasten our seat belts.

C It tells us how seat belts help save us.

D It tells us how to fasten our seat belts.

解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据最后一段Remember: The shoulder belt should never be placed below your arm or fastened behind your back!可知,本段告诉我们是如何正确系安全带的,故选D。