
Environmental issues are at the forefront of many people’s minds, but it’s the younger generation who is particularly concerned about the future of our planet. From global school strikes for climate change action to amazing teen activists, kids are now having to take it into their own hands to ensure they will grow up in a sustainable world.
    In an effort to foster this love and care for the earth, a new bill has been passed in the Philippines that requires students to plant 10 trees each before graduating. The Graduation Legacy for the Environment Act was introduced by congressman Gary Alejano in 2016 in a bid to promote “inter-generational responsibility” for the environment. On May 15, 2019 it was officially passed, marking a huge step in the right direction towards a healthy planet.
    "While we recognize the right of the youth to a balanced and healthy ecology, there is no reason why they cannot be made to contribute in order to ensure that this will be an actual reality,” Gary Alejano commented on the bill.
    The Philippines has lost more than 30% of its forest cover due to illegal logging, but the new bill means that the younger generation can help to reverse the issue. Under the new initiative, 175 million new trees could be planted by students each year. If only 10% of them survive, that means that 525 billion trees could flourish over the course of one generation. 
  According to the details outlined in the bill, the rule applies to all students in order to graduate from primary school, high school and college. Trees can be planted in either forests, mangroves, reserves, urban areas, abandoned mining sites, or in indigenous territory.


1.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the new bill?

A To increase economic income.

B To increase forest cover.

C To deal with the problem of climate change.

D To promote “inter-generational responsibility” for the environment.


2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A More and more young people are concerning about the future of the planet.

B The Philippines has lost more than 30% of its forest cover due to illegal logging.

C The new bill applies to all students in order to graduate from kindergarten.

D Students can plant trees in forests, reserves, urban areas, or abandoned mining sites.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段According to the details outlined in the bill, the rule applies to all students in order to graduate from primary school, high school and college.可知,原文中并未提及kindergarten(幼儿园),故选C。

3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “reverse”?

A 增加.

B 扭转.

C 加快.

D 减少.


4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Young students have no right to keep a balanced and healthy ecology.

B We should cultivate the awareness of environmental protection from a young age.

C Protecting the environment is only the responsibility of adults and the government.

D Developing countries cannot protect the environment in order to develop the economy.

解析:选B。推理判断题。 根据文章内容可知,新法案让小学生、中学生和大学生在毕业前都植树,从小培养孩子们的环保生态意识,故选B。