
Chimpanzees are adapting to living outside protected areas. A team of anthropologists, led by the University of Kent, observed their behaviour from hidden cameras during an eight-month study in Sierra Leone. The research showed they've successfully acclimatized to human developments in a number of ways—including how to cross roads safely and the best time to visit human habitats.Yet, despite this, their survival as a species is still threatened. This is because any further urbanization could affect their distribution. 

  The cameras captured images of chimpanzees crossing the roads and eating the fruits, such as mangos and pineapples that were planted close to human settlements. The research team suggests carefully-planned infrastructure development, as well as making agreements with farmers to allow there are enough free areas, would ensure their on-going survival. This is because they don't cope well with sudden and dramatic change. “If we want to secure their long-term survival, it is crucial that successful protection measures should benefit people and chimpanzees alike,” said study co-author Dr Tatyana Humle. “Conservation actions should focus on education and helping farmers to carry out the alternative agricultural methods to stop the burning in the farming so that they can begin with the environmentally-friendly activities to ensure coexistence between the two species.”

Currently, approximately 60 percent of all world's non-human primates are threatened with extinction and chimpanzees face serious threats in West Africa, including death from disease, habitat loss, illegal hunting and retaliation as a result of competition with people for resources. West Africa has one of the most fragmented tropical forest landscapes in the world due to high levels of the damage of the forests. Chimpanzees in the region are critically endangered with the majority living outside protected areas. 


1.What can chimpanzees do when they live outside protected areas?

A They learn to find a place to plant fruits.

B They can use the hidden cameras to observe.

C They know how to live like human beings.

D They are able to know when to visit human settlements.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句的including how to cross roads safely and the best times to visit human habitats可以得知猩猩能够知道什么时候去人类的住所最安全。故选D。

2.How can we make the chimpanzees go well with humans?

A To end the on-going survival of plants.

B Farmers should grow more and more mangos.

C To ensure the chimpanzees have enough space.

D People should stop their agricultural development.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句的 as well as making agreements with farmers to allow there are enough free areas, would ensure their on-going survival.可以得知要有足够的空间让猩猩来生活,这就保证了他们能继续生存下来。故选C。

3.What is the reason for the chimpanzees in danger?

A The damage of forests.

B The illegal planting.

C The industry pollution.

D The human competition.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句的due to high levels of the damage of the forests可以得知是森林被损毁造成了猩猩处于危险之中。故选A。

4.Which of the followings is NOT true according to this passage?

A The passage calls on us to protect the endangered animals.

B The survival of chimpanzees as a species is still threatened.

C The distribution of chimpanzees is hardly effected by further urbanization.

D The authority should educate and help farmers to stop the farming burning.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句This is because any further urbanization could affect their distribution. 可以得知任何进一步的城市化都会影响它们的分布。所以C项表述有误,故选C。

5.In which section of a magazine can we find the passage?

A Biology.

B Animal.

C Geography.

D Agriculture.
