
The average life expectancy of Chinese people rose 42 years, from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018, according to a statistics communique recently released by the National Health Commission.
From 2017 to 2018, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 6.8 to 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the maternal mortality rate decreased from 19.6 to 18.3 per 100,000 births, said the government statistics.
Statistics also show that outpatient treatments at primary-level clinics reached 1.92 billion in 2018, an increase of 40 million from the previous year. The coverage of basic medical insurance has further expanded, and the per capita basic medical insurance subsidy for urban and rural residents has increased.


1.The average life expectancy of Chinese people was _____ in 1949.

A 35 years

B 42 years

C 69 years

D 77 years

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句The average life expectancy of Chinese people rose 42 years, from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018...可知,1949年我国居民人均预期寿命是35岁,故选A。

2.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “mortality” in Paragraph 2?

A 出生.

B 死亡.

C 存活.

D 成长.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。在From 2017 to 2018, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 6.8 to 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births句子中,有一组同义词,即mortality和death。据短文大意可知,是死亡率的下降,进一步提高了国民的寿命,死亡率的下降与寿命延长有内在逻辑的相关性。因此可猜测该词意思为“死亡”,故选B。

3.There were _______ outpatient treatments at primary-level clinics in 2017.

A 19.6 million

B 1.92 billion

C 0.04 billion

D 1.88 billion

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句Statistics also show that outpatient treatments at primary-level clinics reached 1.92 billion in 2018, an increase of 40 million from the previous year.可知,2018年全国基层医院门诊量达19.2亿人次,比上年增加0.4亿人次,即2017年门诊量为18.8亿,故选D。

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A There is a big increase in the life expectancy of Chinese people.

B This report was issued by a government agency.

C The coverage of basic medical insurance has further expanded.

D The per capita basic medical insurance subsidy for urban and rural residents has decreased.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段...and the per capita basic medical insurance subsidy for urban and rural residents has increased.可知,城乡居民基本医保补贴有所增加,而不是“减少”,故选D。

5.Where can we probably read the passage?

A In a story book.

B In a Chinese book.

C In a newspaper.

D In a science fiction.
