
Several kilograms of plastic bags were found inside the stomach of a dead sperm whale that washed up on the shore of Sicily. Distressing footage shows endless plastic bags that were pulled from the dead sperm whale's stomach. 
Experts at the University of Messina's natural history museum found the plastic bags when they performed an autopsy on the dead creature which was found off the coast. Carmelo Isgro who involved in the autopsy told CNN, “The plastic probably created a block that didn't let the food in. That's very likely to be the cause of death. We have not found evidence that could indicate another possible reason. I'm still shocked because its stomach was completely full, swollen with plastic.”
Carmelo Isgro said, “What was found two days ago on the beach was a young sperm whale about seven years old.”  He also added that the seven-year-old sperm whale was so young that its teeth hadn't come out yet. Posting to his Facebook page, Mr Isgro is seen in a video lifting up the plastic bags that were found inside the dead whale. In another horrifying video, Mr Isgro can be seen slicing into the sperm whale's stomach and revealing the plastic which fills the inside. Greenpeace Italy shared the shocking images on their Facebook page and released a statement about the terrible incident. 

Giorgia Monti, Greenpeace Italia campaign manager, said, “As can be seen from the images we spread, a lot of plastic was found in its stomach. The investigations have just begun and we do not yet know if he died of this, but we cannot certainly pretend that nothing is happening.” According to David Attenborough, plastic is choking our rivers and seas. And around nine million tonnes of plastic rubbish end up in the ocean every year.   


1.What's the author's attitude towards the death of the sperm whale?

A Hopeful.

B Grateful.

C Pitiful.

D Careful.

解析:选C。推理判断题。从文章第一段第二句的Distressing footage和第四段最后一句的released a statement about the terrible incident可以得知对巨头鲸之死这一事情感到“可惜,遗憾”,故选C。

2.What might cause the death of the sperm whale?

A The distressing autopsy.

B The block made of foods.

C The high temperature.

D The plastic in its stomach.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句的The plastic probably created a block that didn't let the food in.可以得知是鲸鱼胃里的塑料阻止了食物的进入,因此可能是塑料导致了鲸鱼的死亡,故选D。

3.How did Carmelo Isgr know the sperm whale was young?

A The number of its teeth.

B The polluted beach near the sea.

C The place where it lives.

D The number of ships in the sea.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句的He also added that the seven-year-old whale was so young that its teeth hadn't come out yet可以得知通过鲸鱼的牙齿还没长齐来判断该鲸鱼还很年幼。故选A。

4.What did Giorgia Monti imply in the last paragraph?

A More and more investigations are needed.

B People should try their best to protect the sea.

C More fish will die of water pollution in the world.

D The use of the plastic should be prohibited from now on.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句后半部分的but we cannot certainly pretend that nothing is happening可以得知对于受污染的海洋人们再也不能装作什么事都没有发生,因此他的话暗示着人们应该马上采取行动保护环境。故选B。

5.Which of the followings is NOT true according to the passage?

A The sperm whale was found on the shore of Sicily, Italy.

B The plastic stopped food from entering into the sperm whale's stomach.

C David said around nine million tonnes of plastic rubbish flow into the ocean every year.

D We can find the video of Carmelo Isgro slicing into the sperm whale's stomach on his Twitter page.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章的第三段第三句中的Posting to his Facebook page和第四句的In another horrifying video, Mr Isgro can be seen slicing into the sperm whale’s stomac可以得知D项表述错误,应该是Facebook而非Twitter。故选D。