49岁夏尔巴向导登顶珠峰24次 创世界纪录
49岁夏尔巴向导登顶珠峰24次 创世界纪录

A Sherpa mountaineer extended his record for successful climbs of Mount Everest with his 24th ascent of the world's highest peak on Tuesday. Kami Rita reached the 29,035-foot peak on Tuesday, which was his second time on the summit in a week. He climbed to the top on May 15th then returned to base camp before climbing again this week.
Nepal Department of Tourism official Mira Acharya said Rita reached the summit on Tuesday along with several other climbers taking advantage of favorable weather. There are 41 teams with a total of 378 climbers permitted to scale Everest during the spring climbing season. Only when it is sunny each May, climbers can attempt to scale the peak.
Tuesday's climb brings 49-year-old Rita closer to his target of 25 times of Everest before he retires from high mountain climbing. Rita's two closest friends have climbed the peak 21 times each, but both of them have retired from mountain climbing.
Rita first scaled Mount Everest in 1994 and he has been making the trip nearly every year since then. His father was among the first Sherpa guides employed to help climbers reach the summit, and Rita followed his footsteps and then some. In addition to his two dozens summits of Mount Everest, Rita has scaled some of other high mountains, K-2, Cho-Oyu, Manaslu and Lhotse.
Sherpa tribes people were mostly yak herders and traders living deep within the Himalayas until Nepal opened its borders in the 1950s. Their stamina and familiarity with the mountains quickly made them sought-after guides and porters.


1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A Rita broke his own record of climbing Mount Everest.

B Rita reached the 29,035-foot peak twice every week.

C Mount Everest is certainly the highest mountain in the world.

D All the climbers have to return to base camp again this week.

解析:选A。主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第一句的A Sherpa mountaineer extended his record for successful climbs of Mount Everest with his 24th ascent of the world's highest peak on Tuesday.可以得知他把自己能够登上珠穆朗玛峰的记录又增加了一次。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “scale” in the second paragraph mean?

A Catch.

B Walk.

C Climb.

D Grasp.

解析:选C。词义推测题。根据文章第二段第二句的during the spring climbing season可以得知登山者在登山季“爬山”,所以此处的scale的意思为climb,故选C。

3.Why couldn't Rita's friends break his record?

A They didn't have the favorable weather.

B They gave up climbing Mount Everest.

C They were not allowed to climb at all.

D They had to look after their own yaks.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句的but both of them have retired from mountain climbing可以得知他们退休了因此也不会再去爬山了,所以他们放弃爬山了,这是他们不能打破他的记录的原因。故选B。

4.How many high mountains did Rita climb in all?

A Only one.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句In addition to his two dozens summits of Everest, Rita has scaled some of other high mountains, K-2, Cho-Oyu, Manaslu and Lhotse.可以得知除了24次登顶珠峰,Rita还爬了K-2, Cho-Oyu, Manaslu和Lhotse四座高山。所以一共攀爬了5座高峰,故选D。

5.What made Sherpa tribes popular guides and porters according to this passage?

A They lived deep within the Himalayas.

B They were energetic and familiar with mountains.

C They were friendly to tourists and help them all the time.

D They were mostly yak herders and traders and share yak meat with tourists.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段最后一句Their stamina and familiarity with the mountains quickly made them sought-after guides and porters.可以得知他们精力充沛且对山熟悉使得他们成为很受欢迎的向导和搬运工。故选B。