特朗普贸易战让美农民痛心 多行业欲哭无泪
特朗普贸易战让美农民痛心 多行业欲哭无泪

Most Americans haven't yet felt the pain of the Trump's tariffs , but farmers in the heartland, many of whom backed Trump because of his promise to help them, are anxious about the threat of tariffs after China canceled purchases of US soybeans last year. Both Walmart and Macy's say they might need to increase the prices if Trump goes ahead with expanding tariffs to cover almost everything China exports to the US, from toys to clothes and hardware.

And his move this week to limit the reach of major Chinese telecommunications company Huawei, which sells cheap equipment chiefly to small, rural phone and Internet service providers, could raise prices for customers in the heartland. Telecom companies in rural areas may face increased costs if they are unable to buy the equipment they need from Chinese suppliers, and that could affect customers who depend on those connections. "Farmers, ranchers, small businesses in rural America, the people who support those businesses in rural America ," said Carri Bennet, the general counsel for the Rural Wireless Association. "It doesn't help them. It ends up hurting them."

Farmers have already been struggling to adapt to Chinese tariffs on US soybeans, corn and wheat." Farmers were Trump's base," John Wesley Boyd Jr., a Virginia-based soybean farmer, said in a recent interview. "They helped elect this President but now he's turning his back on America's farmers when we need him the most."

But the impact of Trump's latest escalations go beyond just agriculture. About 2.1 million workers in aircraft manufacturing, tobacco and dozens of other industries are affected by the trade war. A similar study found that Trump's recent escalations could affect more than five times as many workers. And, the trade war has forced US businesses to pay nearly $750 million in tariffs for products related to 5G, the mobile data technology the US says is the key to economic development.


1.What would Walmart and Macy do if Trump expands tariffs?

A They would sell soybeans to China.

B They would cancel purchases of toys.

C They have to raise the prices of goods.

D They would only buy clothes from US.

解析:选C。细节理解。根据文章第一段第二句的Both Walmart and Macy's say they might need to increase the prices.可以得知如果特朗普继续扩大关税范围,沃尔玛超市和梅西百货公司将会提高商品的价格。

2.Who will be affected without equipment from Huawei?

A The athletes the cites.

B The farmers in American countryside.

C The urban customers.

D The large business owners.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句的Farmers, ranchers, small businesses in rural America, the people who support those businesses in rural America.可以得知如果没有华为的设备美国农村地区的农民受影响很大。

3.What did John Wesley Boyd Jr.mean?

A The American farmers liked the Chinese tariffs.

B The American farmers felt cheated by Trump.

C The American farmers liked to be interviewed.

D The backs of America's farmers were badly hurt.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句and now he's turning his back on America's farmers when we need him the most.可以得知当美国农民最需要他的时候他居然不帮助他们了,因此那些农民感到受骗了。

4.What effect does the trade war have on the mobile data technology?

A It costs much more money.

B It needs fewer and fewer workers.

C It produces more grains.

D It helps economic development.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第四句的And, the trade war has forced US businesses to pay nearly $750 million in tariffs for products related to 5G,可以得知贸易战让美国的手机行业多付很多资金。

5.Which of the following is NOT true from the passage?

A Trump expands tariffs to cover almost everything China exports to the US.

B Telecom companies in countryside areas may face increased costs.

C Carri Bennet said limiting the reach of Huawei will protect people in rural America.

D Trump's latest escalations affected many aspects including agriculture, aircraft manufacturing, tobacco and dozens of other industries.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二第三句和最后一句"It doesn't help them. It ends up hurting them."可以得知,将会伤害农村地区的人们,而非帮助,更不会是保护。所以C项表述错误,故选C。第一段最后一句可知A正确,第二段第二句可知B正确,最后一段前两句可知D正确。