
In many respects, South Korea is a very ordered society. The influence of Confucian principle runs through every aspect of day-to-day living. Well, in theory, at least. Central to this is Kibun, the concept of saving face. As a result, confrontation(冲突) is to be avoided at all costs and one way to avoid any unpleasantness is to be on time, all the time. And to be lax(松懈的) in this regard is to mark oneself out as a rude man.

In the case of Germany, being on-time is a risky enough tactic(策略) as your hosts will probably already be there waiting, wondering how on earth you could be so foolish as to allow the possibility of some unforeseen circumstance(无法预料的情况) to delay you by so much as a second.

It has been said that in Brazil there is a widespread tolerance(容忍) for delays. For example, it is considered impolite to arrive on time for a social occasion. That is probably due to the fact that it is unlikely that the hosts would even be ready to receive their guests! However, if you are a visitor to the country and have an important business meeting, it’s probably best not to do as they do because, not being Brazilian, you haven’t earned the right to be on anything other than “English time”.

Ghanaians are a very relaxed and helpful people who think that if everyone is late then no one is late. After all, what can’t be done today can get done tomorrow. If you find that kind of attitude difficult to deal with, prepare to be a little angry. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the ride.


1.Which country is not mentioned in the passage?

A Ghana.

B Brazil.

C Germany.

D Russia.


2.If you are in Germany, what should you do when meeting someone?

A We should show up at the appointed place on time.

B We should be late for half an hour.

C We should arrive earlier than others.

D It doesn't matter when to arrive.


3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A It’s OK to be late for an appointment in South Korea.

B As a foreigner, it’s not OK to be late for an appointment in Brazil.

C In Ghana, it’s acceptable that everyone is on time but you are not.

D In Germany, you can arrive at the appointed place in any time.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段...if you are a visitor to the country and have an important business meeting, it’s probably best not to do as they do because, not being Brazilian, you haven’t earned the right to be on anything other than “English time”.可知,如果你是外国人就最好不要效仿巴西人的做派,因为你不是巴西人,没有资格不守时,故选B。

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A The importance of punctuality.

B Customs of different countries.

C Lifestyle gaps in different countries.

D Different attitudes to punctuality in different countries.
