
Two gorillas have been snapped apparently mimicking human behavior, in a remarkable selfie with a park ranger who helped rescue them as babies. The photo, taken by a worker at Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, swiftly went viral after being shared on Facebook. 

“Another day at the office...” Mathieu Shamavu wrote alongside the image, which has been shared more than 20,000 times. Female gorillas Ndakazi and Ndeze appear to be naturals in front of the camera; one stands proudly in a power pose with her feet wide apart, while the other leans forward to make it into the shot.

More than 600 rangers work to safeguard wildlife at Virunga National Park, a 3,000-square-mile site. About 1,000 mountain gorillas live here. The gorillas think of the rangers as their parents.


1.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “selfie” in Paragraph 1?

A “图画”.

B “素描”.

C “自拍”.

D “电影”.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据第一段中的snapped(拍摄)后面的the photo可推测selfie应与“拍照”有关,故选C。

2.Why did the photo taken by the worker go viral on the Internet?

A There were two gorillas standing behind the worker.

B The two gorillas in the photo could stand like humans.

C It was a wonderful photo taken by two gorillas for the worker.

D The two gorillas were imitating human postures in the photo.


3.What's the gender of the two gorillas?

A Male.

B Female.

C One female and one male.

D It isn't mentioned in the passage.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的Female gorillas Ndakazi and Ndeze appear to be naturals in front of the camera可知是两只大猩猩都是雌性,故选B。

4.Which of the following about the park is TRUE?

A The name of the park is Virunga International Park.

B The park is in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

C There are no more than 600 rangers working in the park.

D The park provides a good habitat for about 1,000 wildlife.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的The photo, taken by a worker at Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo可知拍照的公园位于the Democratic Republic of Congo,名叫Virunga National Park;根据第三段的内容可知公园占地3000平方英里,有600多名管理员负责保护野生动植物,在此栖息的大猩猩大约有1000多只,故选B。

5.Which section of a magazine can we find the passage?

A Biology.

B Animal.

C Science.

D History.
