
Death is still a mysterious and unknown subject for all of us. We see it often in our favorite films and books but what’s the real scoop on it? Here are five surprising facts about death you would have never guessed.
When a person dies, their hearing is the last sense to go.
Although not scientifically proven, Zachary Pallas, a medical director believes that hearing is the last sense to go when we die. He states that when death seems near, family and friends always share their last thoughts. Although it becomes clear that blood pressure is dropping and the person is fading out, we often believe they can still hear what we're saying.
You can't actually die of old age.
You've probably heard this many times but you can't actually die because you're getting old. Instead people often die from inactivity or diseases that come with aging. As far as records show, old age hasn't been scientifically recognized as a direct cause of death.
People see a white light at the end of the tunnel before they die.
Give us a thumbs-up if you always thought movies only did this to be dramatic but this is actually true. David Hoffde from the UCLA Brain Injury Research Center says that most of your regions in your brain shut down right before it's time to go, making it hard for you to process things visually. This is why it's only possible for people to see a white light and nothing else.
Out-of-body experiences are common in near-death cases.
Researchers in Switzerland can explain this. Apparently when you have a near-death experience, it causes the right side of your brain to be stimulated giving you the sixth sense. It can feel so intense that you may get the sensation that your body is floating in space.
Facing death will give you transformational potential.
We understand that death is scary for many of us but our attitudes towards death can play a big role on a transformational potential. Dr. Steven Taylor says that when we face death directly and accept it for what it is, we can surpass our anxieties and live our lives to the fullest.


1.When a person dies, which sense is the last to disappear?

A Smell.

B Vision.

C Taste.

D Hearing.


2.Regarding dying of old age, which of the following is NOT true?

A People can't actually die because they are getting old.

B People often die from inactivity or diseases that come with aging.

C Old age has been scientifically recognized as a direct cause of death.

D Dying of old age is a normal phenomenon.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段...old age hasn't been scientifically recognized as a direct cause of death.可知年老并不被科学认为是一种直接死因,故选C。

3.How do you understand “a white light at the end of the tunnel”?

A It is a drama.

B It is unreal.

C Our eyes can not see anything but a white light.

D Most of our regions in our brain shut down right before it's time to go.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段 most of your regions in your brain shut down right before it's time to go, making it hard for you to process things visually. 可知,选项与原文相符,其他选项为干扰判断,故选D。

4.What do you experience when you are out-of-body according to the passage?

A We have a strong sixth sense.

B Our body is gone.

C We feel nothing.

D We have no idea.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第五段...it causes the right side of your brain to be stimulated giving you the sixth sense.可知,当经历灵魂出窍时,这会刺激我们大脑的右侧,会让我们拥有第六感。故选A。

5.What attitude should we take to face our death according to the passage?

A We should let it go.

B We should smile to die.

C We feel it hard to accept.

D We should get over anxieties and live better.

解析:选D。观点态度题。根据最后一...when we face death directly and accept it for what it is, we can surpass our anxieties and live our lives to the fullest.可知,当我们直面死亡并接受死亡时,我们可以克服焦虑并尽最大努力去生活,故选D。