
With a lot of places facing higher than normal temperatures and summer right around the corner, doctors are advising people to avoid getting heat stroke. “If people are in the heat too long, they may experience excessive sweating, get muscle cramping and feel faint.”
Dr. Alison Marciniak at the Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, says, "People aren't dressing correctly for the weather. They may not be taking in enough fluids." She also says if you do get overheated, you can apply a cold compress to your neck or under your armpits to cool down.
And it's not just us humans who need to stay cool. John Dinon is with the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter in Mason, Michigan, "Make sure your pet has water at all times. If they're not indoors, make sure they have access to shade. If they're out running around and exercising, keep an eye on them. If they seem to be lethargic or excessively panting, you should take them into a cool area."


1.What may happen if people are in the heat too long according to doctors?

A They may feel faint.

B They may experience less sweating.

C They may take in enough fluids.

D They may exercise more.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根第一段第二句If people are in the heat too long, they may experience excessive sweating, get muscle cramping and feel faint.可知,如果在高温环境里待太久,可能出汗过多,继而可能会出现肌肉抽筋或是晕厥等症状,故选A。

2.What can we do if getting overheated according to Paragraph 2?

A We can wear warm clothes.

B We can drink a little water.

C We can use cold towels to cool down.

D We can enjoy the sunshine.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据She also says if you do get overheated, you can apply a cold compress to your neck or under your armpits to cool down.可知,如果真的过热了可以冷敷毛巾来降温,故选C。

3.How can we protect our pets from heatstroke?

A We should give them enough drinking water.

B We should let them play outdoors.

C We should let them run around in the sunshine.

D We should walk them at noon.

解析:选A。3.细节理解题。根据最后一段Make sure your pet has water at all times.可知,要确保宠物有足够的水喝,故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “excessively” mean in Chinese?

A 稍微地.

B 过分地.

C 足够地.

D 额外地.
