
France’s richest man has pledged €200 million (£170 million) towards the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, doubling the donation of Salma Hayek’s husband. Billionaire Bernard Arnault, head of the LVMH luxury goods group, instantly became the biggest benefactor of an appeal launched by President Emmanuel Macron.
On Monday—the day of the blaze—French tycoon Francois-Henri Pinault, who is married to Hollywood actress Salma Hayek, pledged 100 million euros (£86.2 million) towards the rebuilding of the Cathedral. But, in a statement, the LVMH group said their donation would be double that. It said, “The Arnault family and the LVMH group are associated with the reconstruction of this extraordinary cathedral, symbol of France, its heritage and its unity. In the meantime, the LVMH Group puts all its teams, creative, architectural, financial, at the disposal of the state and the concerned authorities to help the long hard work of reconstruction on the one hand, and of fund-raising on the other hand.”
France’s Heritage Foundation has launched a “national collection” on its website. And Valerie Pecresse, president of the Ile-de-France region, has planned a budget of 10 million euros of emergency aid to help to start the work. Ms Pecresse added, “This reconstruction will obviously be very expensive.”
Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, said she wanted to organise an international conference of donors to welcome experts who are able to raise funds. Specialised craftsmen and rare materials are expected to be needed to restore the monument, which welcomes more than 13 million visitors each year—an average of more than 35,000 people a day.
The head of a French lumber company told FranceInfo radio that it was ready to offer the best oak beams that supported the now-destroyed roof. “The work will surely take years, decades even, but it will require thousands of cubic metres of wood. We’ll have to find the best specimens, with large diameters,” Sylvain Charlois of the Charlois group in Murlin, central France said.


1.Who made the appeal to donate for the Notre Dame Cathedral?

A Salma Hayek.

B Bernard Arnault.

C Emmanuel Macron.

D Francois-Henri Pinault.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的instantly became the biggest benefactor of an appeal launched by President Emmanuel Macron可知是法国总统马克龙呼吁为重建巴黎圣母院捐款的。故选C。

2.What’s Bernard Arnault like according to the passage?

A He is very rich.

B He is generous.

C He is responsible.

D All of the above.


3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A Bernard Arnault’s donation is twice as much as Francois-Henri Pinault’s.

B The Notre Dame Cathedral had a fire accident on Monday.

C Many professional craftsmen have joined the reconstruction work.

D The reconstruction work needs a lot of good lumber.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句的Specialised craftsmen and rare materials are expected to be needed to restore the monument可知急需专业的工匠来完成重建工作,但文中并未提到许多专业工匠已经参与到了重建工作中。故选C。

4.What can’t we conclude from the passage?

A This repair work needs a lot of manpower, financial and material resources.

B The Notre Dame Cathedral has been completely destroyed by the fire.

C It’s not easy to finish the reconstruction work in just a short time.

D The restoration of the Notre Dame Cathedral has received supports from all walks of life.
