英国伦敦动物园首次亮相被救助的中国大鲵 尽显呆萌 
英国伦敦动物园首次亮相被救助的中国大鲵 尽显呆萌 

A rare Chinese giant salamander is going on display at London Zoo after smugglers attempted to illegally import the animal in a box. The salamander was one of five endangered amphibians found in a box in September 2016, one of which had already died by the time authorities discovered them. 
Border Force asked London Zoo to look after the remaining four and one of those, named Professor Lew, is going on display to the public now. Ben Tapley, the Zoological Society of London’s keeper of amphibians, said, “We work closely with Border Force to identify unusual animals, but even I was astonished to see that they were Chinese giant salamanders—one of the world’s most endangered amphibians. Chinese giant salamanders may not be everyone’s idea of beautiful—I’ve heard them described as giant brown blobs with eyes—but Professor Lew’s purple tail and slimy smile have already made the newcomer a big hit with our keepers, who have been finding any excuse to visit the Reptile House.”
The species is the world’s largest amphibian and is native to mountainous regions of China. Professor Lew, who is thought to be four years old, is 30cm long but could grow to be six times that length, meaning London Zoo has had to work hard to build a brand new enclosure to house the growing youngster. 
According to ZSL, the species, which is under threat after becoming a delicacy in China, is “thought to have inspired Chinese dragon legends and even the iconic yin-yang motif”. Mr Tapley said, “They’re definitely unique: often referred to as living fossils, Chinese giant salamanders have remained largely unchanged for millions of years—as the only zoo in the country to have one in residence, it’s a real privilege to be able to introduce the species to our visitors.”


1.How many Chinese giant salamanders survive in London Zoo at present?

A One.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句The salamander was one of five endangered amphibians found in a box in September 2016, one of which had already died by the time authorities discovered them. 可知原本有五条中国大鲵,但其中一条已经死去,因此还有四条存活。故选C。

2.How about Professor Lew in the eyes of the keepers?

A It is ugly.

B It is giant.

C It is popular.

D It is strange.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的but Professor Lew’s purple tail and slimy smile have already made the newcomer a big hit with our keepers, who have been finding any excuse to visit the Reptile House可知Professor Lew很受饲养员们的欢迎。故选C。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A The Chinese giant salamanders in London Zoo were imported by the zoo in 2016.

B The Chinese giant salamanders have become an endangered species in the world.

C The Chinese giant salamanders can only live in the mountainous regions in China.

D The Chinese giant salamanders have remained no change for millions of years.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的but even I was astonished to see that they were Chinese giant salamanders—one of the world’s most endangered amphibians可知中国大鲵已成为世界濒危物种,由第一段可知这五条中国大鲵是走私到伦敦的,由第三段可知它们原产于中国山区,并非只能在中国山区生活,由最后一段可知中国大鲵几百万年来没有大的变化,并非完全无变化。故选B。

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A Five Chinese giant salamanders were smuggled to London.

B London Zoo rescued five endangered Chinese giant salamanders.

C Chinese giant salamanders became new favorites at London Zoo.

D Rescued Chinese giant salamander goes on display at London Zoo.
