
I was the youngest of three sons in my family. My brothers were five and seven years older than me and handled most of the housework that my mom and dad needed done around the house. I spent most of my time then riding my bike, playing basketball, walking in the woods, or reading books by our stove in the winter. I spent my childhood with all the fun and none of the responsibility. 
By the time I entered my early teens, however, both of my brothers had moved out of our home. My dad had injured his back and become disabled. We had moved to a mountain top house. I soon found myself then doing more work than I had ever done before. I planted our garden in the spring and mowed the grass in the summer. In the fall I carried and collected wood to keep us warm in the winter months to come. And all year round I carried heavy five gallon containers of water from a mountain spring back to our house so we could have water to drink and cook with.
At first I complained to myself. After a while, though, I began to find joy in helping my parents that I loved so much. I sang to myself while I collected wood and smiled while I carried water. I even found myself helping my mom with the dinner dishes and cleaning. I started to realize something that I would carry with me the rest of my life too: When your work is done in love, it isn't work.
Let all of your work be done in love then. 


1.How many people are there in the writer’s family?

A 2.

B 3.

C 4.

D 5.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段I was the youngest of three sons in my family. My brothers were five and seven years older than me and handled most of the housework that my mom and dad needed done around the house.可知家中有三个儿子和父母总共五个人,故选D。

2.How was the writer’s childhood?

A Tiring.

B Relaxing.

C Boring.

D Disappointing.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句I spent most of my time then riding my bike, playing basketball, walking in the woods, or reading books by our stove in the winter. I spent my childhood with all the fun and none of the responsibility.可知作者的孩童时期什么家务都不用干,什么责任都不需要承担,只需要玩,由此可推断作者的孩童时期是无忧无虑,很放松的,故选B。

3.Why did the writer have to work in his teens?

A Because they moved to a mountain top house.

B Because his father was disabled.

C Because his two brothers had moved out.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段前三句By the time I entered my early teens, however, both of my brothers had moved out of our home. My dad had injured his back and become disabled. We had moved to a mountain top house. 可知兄长外出、父亲残疾和搬家到山顶的房子里面是作者不得不做家务的原因,包含A、B、C三项,故选D。

4.What would the writer do when doing housework?

A He would give up.

B He would dance.

C He would sing.

D He would think.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句I sang to myself while I collected wood and smiled while I carried water.可知作者做事的时候会唱歌,故选C。

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A Doing your work in love makes you happy.

B Doing more work makes you happy.

C Doing work with playing makes work easy.

D We should help to support our family.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句When your work is done in love, it isn't work.和最后一段Let all of your work be done in love then.可知要在爱意之中去干活,那样干活就不觉得累了,由此可知选A。