
At the ripe old age of 30 and with half the globe using it, the World Wide Web is growing pains with issues like hate speech and privacy concerns, its creator says, trumpeting a call to make it better for humanity. Tim Berners-Lee on Tuesday joined a celebration of the Web and talked about his invention at CERN, starting with a proposal published on March 12, 1989. It opened the way to a technological revolution that has transformed the way people buy goods, share ideas, get information and much more. 
As of late 2018, half of the world was online, with the other half often struggling to secure access. Speaking at a “Web@30” conference at CERN, Berners-Lee acknowledged that a sense among many who are already on the Web has become: “Whoops! The web is not the web we wanted in every respect.”
His World Wide Web Foundation wants to enlist governments, companies, and citizens to take a greater role in shaping the web for good under principles laid out in its “Contract for the Web”Under the contract, governments are called upon to make sure everyone can connect to the Internet, to keep it available. Companies are to make the Internet affordable, respect privacy and develop technology that will put people and the public good first. Citizens are to create and to cooperate and respect civil discourse among other things.
“The Contract for the Web is about sitting down in working groups with other people who signed up, and to say, ‘OK, let’s work out what this really means’,” Berners-Lee said. It was unclear, however, how such rules would be enforced. Berners-Lee said it was important to strike a balance between oversight and freedom but difficult to agree what it should be.


1.Why did Tim Berners-Lee call on to make the World Wide Web better?

A It’s out of date after 30 years’ development.

B It’s being used by half the world’s population.

C It’s facing a number of serious problems.

D It has changed the way people live.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的the World Wide Web is growing pains with issues like hate speech and privacy concerns可知万维网在发展的过程中面临着很多问题,这是其创始人呼吁采取行动使之更好的原因。故选C。

2.What can’t we get from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

A People are not satisfied with the present web.

B The current web has many shortcomings.

C People no longer need the web in all respects.

D Berners-Lee was disappointed with the current state of the web.


3.According to the contract, what should the governments do?

A They should make the Internet accessible to everyone.

B They are to cut down the cost of using the Internet.

C They should develop technologies that benefit the public.

D They should protect the privacy and civil discourse.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Under the contract, governments are called upon to make sure everyone can connect to the internet, to keep it available.可知此网络契约呼吁政府要确保人人都有上网的机会。故选A。

4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A What the Contract for the Web is about.

B The difficulties in carrying out the Contract for the Web.

C How to carry out the Contract for the Web.

D What people are to do about the Contract for the Web.
