
This time last year, Tammy Lovell hit rock bottom. Having survived a tough divorce, she was consequently thrust into the chaos of single motherhood, making even the smallest work  commitment seem impossible. “I was anxious, forgetting things and struggling to concentrate at work, my heart was constantly racing. My doctor diagnosed me with acute reaction to stress and signed me off work for two weeks,” she recalled.
But it wasn’t a course of pills or bottles of wine that brought her down from the ledge. Her unlikely medicine would instead come in a special form. Tammy had never paid a great deal of attention to her children’s pet guinea pigs, which she had bought as a gift for eldest daughter Maisie in 2017. But now that Tammy was confined to her home, Bubble and Squeak were suddenly all the more prominent. Over a number of days, their gentle nibbling sounds and the touch of their soft fur began to have a surprising effect on Tammy’s mental health. “I’d sit and watch them interact and it was almost a meditative experience,” she said. “I could actually feel my heart rate and breathing slowing down and becoming calmer. Gradually, after spending time watching them, I found my stress reduced.”
Journalist Tammy now works from home and spares at least 15 minutes most days to watch the pair play. “The guinea pigs encourage me to take time out for me. It helps me to stay in the present moment.”
Indeed, she is one of thousands of Britons who rely on “pets” to ease a whole manner of mental health problems. Among them is the Duchess of Cambridge’s brother James Middleton, who credits his spaniel Ella for helping him through bouts of depression and attention deficit disorder. And Oscar winner and nervous flyer Natalie Portman rarely travels by plane without the calming company of her dog Whiz.


1.How did Tammy Lovell feel after the divorce?

A Bored.

B Stressed.

C Relaxed.

D Satisfied.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第一段第三、四句I was anxious, forgetting things and struggling to concentrate at work, my heart was constantly racing. My doctor diagnosed me with acute reaction to stress and signed me off work for two weeks可知离婚使塔米变得焦虑、健忘、精神不集中、心跳加速,进而被医生诊断出急性应激反应,建议她休息两周,由此可推知这些现象都是由于压力过大所致。故选B。

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A Why Tammy was forced to stay at home with the pet guinea pigs.

B Why Tammy bought the pet guinea pigs as a gift for her eldest daughter.

C How Tammy spent the time at home with the pet guinea pigs.

D How Tammy’s mental health problem was eased by the pet guinea pigs.


3.Which of the following is NOT the fact according to the passage?

A The divorce led to Tammy’s mental health problems.

B Tammy used to spend too much time taking care of her daughter’s pet guinea pigs.

C Bubble and Squeak’s accompany had a good effect on Tammy’s mental health.

D The guinea pigs helped Tammy learn to treat herself well and live in a positive way.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句Tammy had never paid a great deal of attention to her children’s pet guinea pigs, which she had bought as a gift for eldest daughter Maisie in 2017.可知塔米此前并未花太多精力在女儿的宠物豚鼠身上。故选B。

4.Why did the author mention James Middleton and Natalie Portman?

A To show pets do ease people’s mental health problems.

B To show that celebrities also have mental health problems.

C To show what kind of pets these famous people have.

D To show that mental health problems are common.

解析:选A。目的意图题。根据最后一段第一句Indeed, she is one of thousands of Britons who rely on “pets” to ease a whole manner of mental health problems.可知现在英国有许多人依靠宠物来缓解各种心理健康问题,而例举的两位名人就在这些人中,通过他们的例子旨在说明宠物确实对调节人们的心理健康有好处。故选A。