
  A New York professor has Gen Xers reminiscing about their childhood after he posted images of his decades old Apple IIe computer on Twitter Saturday night. John Pfaff dusted off the old computer that has been sitting in his parent’s attic for decades, and to his surprise it still turned on.
“Put in an old game disk. Asks if I want to restore a saved game. And finds one!” he tweeted. “It must be 30 years old. I’m 10 years old again.” Apple IIe was the third model in the Apple II series and released in 1983. It had the features such as the ability to use both upper and lower case letters and full functionality of the Shift and Caps Lock keys. The models of this computer were discontinued in 1993.
Pfaff restored the saved game of Adventureland, a text command game released by Scott Adams in 1978. “What shall I do next,” reads the words on the screen. “This is difficult, because three decades later I can’t quite remember where I left off this round of Adventureland.” Pfaff found floppy disks with several different games of the time including: Millionware, Neuromancer and Olympic Decathlon.
Besides finding games on the floppy disks, Pfaff came across saved copies of his high school assignments and a note from his late father. “Just found this letter my dad typed to me in 1986, when I was 11 and at summer camp,” he tweeted. “My dad passed away almost exactly a year ago. It’s amazing to come across something so ordinary from him.”
Pfaff showed it to his own children and their reaction is what you’d expect from a generation that has moved on to an iPhone X. “My oldest, who is 9, exclaimed ‘that’s a computer?!’, and then asked ‘what are those?’ My younger twins just kept laughing at how silly it seemed to them.”


1.What made John Pfaff surprised?

A He found he could make Gen Xers remember their childhood.

B He found an old Apple IIe computer in his parents’ attic.

C He found an old Apple IIe computer in his parents’ attic full of dust.

D He found the old Apple IIe computer decades ago was still usable.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的and to his surprise it still turned on可知让他感到吃惊的是这台30年前的电脑仍然能够打开使用。故选D。

2.How long have the types of this computer been on the market before discontinuing?

A For 10 years.

B For 20 years.

C For 30 years.

D For 40 years.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句Apple IIe was the third model in the Apple II series and released in 1983.和最后一句The models of this computer were discontinued in 1993.可知该电脑型号在停产之前在市面上销售了10左右的时间。故选A。

3.Which of the following is NOT the fact according to the passage?

A John Pfaff was about 10 years old when he first met the computer.

B John Pfaff could still play the game Adventureland smoothly 3 decades later.

C John Pfaff felt happy to find a note written by his father for him in the computer.

D John Pfaff’s children were all astonished to see the old Apple IIe computer.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“This is difficult, because three decades later I can’t quite remember where I left off this round of Adventureland.”可知三十年后他忘记了游戏结束的地方了,并不能十分流畅地玩这款游戏了。故选B。

4.What’s the best title of this passage?

A An old Apple IIe computer aroused heated discussion on Twitter.

B An old Apple IIe computer was restored by a New York professor.

C Man discovered 30-year-old Apple computer still in working order.

D A New York professor showed an old Apple IIe computer to the public.

解析:选C。文章标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要围绕美国纽约的一位大学教授发现了一台30多年前的Apple II系列的计算机,发现它仍然可以开机及正常操作而展开叙述的。故选C。